The News (New Glasgow)

Don’t it make my brown eyes blue

- Kathy Golemiec

So how was your week? Hope you found your umbrella and rain boots. I didn’t. Well, it’s one way to wash my sneakers.

I went to see my oncologist this week and he had good news – my kidney function and liver are a lot better, so good that I can get my bone filler IV medicine. That’s a double woohoo because he had taken me off that almost a year ago, so it was long enough to let my kidneys and liver heal.

When he did the tapping on my stomach that’s when my troubles began. He asked when was my last bowel movement and I hadn’t really thought about it until then. I think two weeks. That’s why my stomach was so sore. They all were not happy about this. So when I went home I had to take Restoralax, then two pill laxatives, two more at bedtime two more in the morning. If that didn’t work I was to go to the hospital and they would have to unpack me. I learned that when you’re on chemo you cannot have an enema. So when they say “unpack” they really mean it. I asked how is that done. Well the rubber glove goes on and in goes the hand up to the elbow. I said who does that, they said we do, I said not to me you don’t.

So that night I took all the stuff they told me and two cups of my senna leaf tea. When I got to the hospital the next morning they all asked if I went to the bathroom, and with my answer they were woohooing. Well so was I. Mary was with me to see the cancer doctor and she asked if he noticed anything different. He said no, and Mary said, her eyes went from brown to blue. They thought that was funny but I could hardly sit down. I’m glad to be almost back to normal. Ha.

In two weeks I am getting cortisone in my shoulder and wrist. Well when I got home the message said you are getting your needles on the 25th but before that the doctor wants you to… and right then my hand went numb and I dropped the phone. When I picked it back up the message was saying, “message is erased,” so now I have to call back because I haven’t a clue what I have to do. Ha, leave it to me to press the button picking it up.

Dad and Janet were over and we had a good weekend but we were all lazy. Janet is starting to feel better, they are thinking about going to the dances again, so that’s a good sign.

Weight-wise – I still didn’t get to 140 but I’m close, I’m doing better with the water because of the flavouring but not so well with the sugar. I’ll try harder.

I went to the tea shop and got a new flavour, made mostly of dried fruits and a little tart, I’ll try it with some honey. It’s called Bella Coola, caffeine free, you can also make an iced tea out of it. Give the chocolate mint a try, you will like that.

I am ready to do talks again: any clubs can call the paper and they will give me your number and I will call you – 902 928 3514 or write me at PO Box 159, New Glasgow NS B2H 5E2.

I am going to Truro Saturday, the family is having a surprise birthday party for Dad, who will be 26 this year. He started his age over again after he had open-heart surgery – he was born with a hole in his heart and they didn’t find it until 26 years ago. I’m sure glad they found it – I’ll have my father forever. I love cake so there goes the diet, ha.

Happy birthday Dad. We all call him DA, it’s a Glace Bay thing. Happy Mother’s Day to Janet. If my mother had picked a mother to fill in for her, she would have picked Janet. When my mother was getting ready to go on her next adventure, she told my father not to spend his years alone, he still had a lot of love to offer someone else. I love both of them, they make a good couple. My mother will always have a piece of my heart. Have a good week all and happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there.

Kathy Golemiec is undergoing cancer treatments and writes about her experience­s each week.

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