The Miracle

How the uS and Afghanista­n can jump-start talks with the Taliban ?

- By: Michael Kugelman Source:

Reduction in violence is a key prerequisi­te for the Afghan government and the Taliban to sit at the negotiatin­g table.

On May 23, the Taliban announced a three-day ceasefire to coincide with the Eid al-Fitr holiday. The Afghan government immediatel­y announced its intention to reciprocat­e. The truce brought a brief but desperatel­y needed respite from the country’s relentless violence.

It also delivered a big boost to a US-Afghanista­n relationsh­ip that had been in a precarious state because of diverging positions on a flounderin­g peace process. With the relationsh­ip now on a more level footing, Washington is in a better position to work with Kabul to help launch peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban - a core but elusive US goal.

A horrific May 12 attack on a maternity ward in a Kabul hospital had exposed a growing disconnect in US-Afghanista­n relations.

For Afghans, the attack was the last straw following a surge in militant violence in previous weeks, with much of their anger directed at the Taliban. National Security Adviser Hamdullah Mohib tweeted that if the Taliban “cannot control the violence … there seems little point in continuing to engage Taliban in ‘peace talks’.” President Ashraf Ghani announced Afghan forces were shifting from a defensive to an offensive position against the Taliban. And Ka6KDZ 0 OWLF OW UDO &KDQQHO LQ 9DQFR YHU &KDQQHO LQ &DOJDU bul suggested the Taliban was complicit in the attack. Washington reacted very differentl­y. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared that “the ongoing peace process continues to present a critical opportunit­y for Afghans to come together” to combat terror. Zalmay Khalilzad, Washington’s special representa­tive for Afghan reconcilia­tion, tweeted that there could be “no more excuses” for not pursuing talks. Washington blamed ISIL (ISIS) for the attack, and called on the Taliban and the Afghan government to work together to track down the perpetrato­rs.

In effect, Washington was urging Kabul to redouble efforts to pursue a peace process that the Afghan government had temporaril­y put on hold. By May 19, fighting was reported in 20 of Afghanista­n’s 34 provinces.

It is easy to understand what drove this disconnect. The US government badly wants Afghanista­n to start a peace process that a US-Taliban agreement - signed nearly three months ago - was meant to set in motion. Two factors account for Washington’s urgency. One is a desire to ensure Afghanista­n does not squander its best opportunit­y yet to end a nearly 19-year war. The other is US politics. It is an election year, and the Trump administra­tion is committed to bringing troops home. It is easier for President Donald Trump to depict the withdrawal as an honourable exit - and harder for his rivals to denounce it as an abject surrender - if peace talks are happening as American soldiers head for the exits. National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, speaking on the day of the hospital attack, bluntly expressed Washington’s thinking: “It’s now time for the Afghan people to get together to enter into a meaningful peace process and it’s time for America to come home.” Washington’s you-need-to-make-peace-andwe-need-to-leave message came across as tonedeaf in a nation in no mood to sit down with violent actors so long as militants continued to perpetrate violence - including attacks on two mosques on May 19 - that had surged since the signing of the US-Taliban deal.

The accord - concluded after months of negotiatio­ns that excluded Kabul - does not require the Taliban to reduce violence.

The risk of a diplomatic crisis is real, thereby jeopardisi­ng the sensitive diplomacy that Washington must undertake with Kabul to help guide it towards peace talks.

The Eid ceasefire, however, restored some stability to the US-Afghanista­n relationsh­ip. Kabul’s reciprocat­ion of the Taliban’s unilateral truce proves it is prepared to step off the battlefiel­d - Washington’s fervent preference - under the right circumstan­ces.

The truce also underscore­s Kabul’s underlying position: We are ready for peace if the other side shows it is ready for peace. Indeed, a Taliban commitment to reduce violence - similar to the one it made with US negotiator­s prior to signing the deal with Washington - would likely bring Kabul to the negotiatin­g table. In fact, Ghani’s decision to resume offensives against the Taliban earlier this month may have been meant in part to pressure the insurgents into making such a commitment.

To this end, it is time for Washington and Kabul to undertake a full-court press to compel the insurgents to agree to a longer ceasefire or reduction in violence.

It is an admittedly ambitious task, given the leverage the insurgents derive from deploying violence, but it is essential to do it.

The Afghan government has already done its part. On May 17, Ghani and his main rival, Abdullah Abdullah, signed a power-sharing deal. It ended a spat that had precluded the launch of peace talks. Kabul has also agreed to release Taliban prisoners - including 2,000 following the Taliban’s Eid ceasefire announceme­nt - which was part of the US-Taliban deal. It is now time for the Taliban to make a major concession.

Washington and Kabul should pull out all the stops to compel the Taliban to commit to lessen or pause its violence. They should partner on a broad global outreach effort that leverages each of their diplomatic comparativ­e advantages. Washington should draw on its cordial ties with Riyadh and Islamabad to get these two key Taliban influencer­s to apply pressure on the insurgents.

Kabul should press Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran - bitter rivals of Washington that have nonetheles­s partnered with both Kabul and the Taliban to help advance peace and reconcilia­tion - to do the same. Meanwhile, Washington should threaten to halt any further troop withdrawal­s, beyond the initial roughly 4,000 called for in its agreement with the Taliban, until the insurgents agree to curb violence.

Getting the Taliban to agree to the violencere­duction demand is arguably the only thing now preventing the start of talks. It is time for Washington and Kabul, now on the same page after the Eid truce, to make it happen.

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