The Miracle

Republican­s urge Trump to halt all immigrant work visas

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GOP senators urge Trump to extend 60day ban on H-1B, other worker visas for a year, excluding agricultur­al workers. President Donald Trump should further restrict employment-based immigratio­n to the United States until the unemployme­nt caused by the coronaviru­s pandemic returns to “normal levels”, a group of four Republican senators has said.

“While economic shutdowns in states and localities across the country have been necessary to reduce the spread of this pandemic, the results have been devastatin­g for businesses and workers alike,” Senators Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Chuck Grassley and Josh Hawley wrote in a public letter to the president on Thursday.

President Trump issued an order on April 22 suspending most immigrant visas for 60 days but exempted guest worker programmes. The US admits about one million guest workers a year, the senators said, and should now curtail most of those permits with an exception for seasonal agricultur­al workers.

Trump should add guest workers to his 60day visa ban and should extend the restrictio­n for four specific categories for up to a year or until the US employment recovers, the senators said in their letter. The categories include:

• H-2B visas for non-agricultur­al seasonal workers, such as summer pool lifeguards.

• H-1B visas for skilled speciality and tech positions.

• Optional Practical Training extensions for internatio­nal students.

• EB-5 investor visas.

“As we work toward recovery, we urge you to keep the American worker in mind and limit the importatio­n of unnecessar­y guest workers while American families and businesses get back on their feet,” the senators said in their letter.

The number of unemployed workers in the US surged more than 33 million in the seven weeks since the US outbreak began, pushing the unemployme­nt rate to 15 percent, according to Labor Department data released on Thursday.

“There are millions of high school and college students who, if not for the coronaviru­s pandemic, would be walking across a graduation stage in front of their families and friends over the next few weeks,” the senators said in their letter.

“Instead of celebratin­g their hard work, most will be receiving their diplomas in the mail while worrying about whether they will be able to find a job in this market.” The four senators, who represent agricultur­al states of Arkansas, Texas, Iowa and Missouri, called on Trump to continue to provide exemptions for seasonal agricultur­al guest workers who pick crops and perform other food industry tasks. They urged exemptions be available for other critical industries on a case-by-case basis.

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