The McLeod River Post

Hodge Podge

Birthday bash

- by June McInnes

Today is one of our son’s birthdays and I’m it to make the cake and cook some bites to eat. I love baking especially if it’s all eaten and there aren’t many left overs.

I’m hoping today will be one of those days.

So far, I’ve made a double batch of chocolate muffins, one with chocolate chunks and one without and the cake my son chose was a coffee and walnut cake. All the boys absolutely love that flavour of cake, so it’s good all the way round.

Later today we will have a celebratio­n tea for him with all the cakes and fancies I’ve prepared, and he says he’s looking forward to it a great deal.

I thought I might trim up the front room a bit, put a nice cloth on the table and make a real go of it for him. This will probably be the last birthday he’s still living with us as he’s set to fledge soon. And as he is appreciati­ve of anything you do for him, that it would be a nice gesture.

I understand that children have to grow up and move out but my oh my it’s tough to watch them leave. I know I am lucky to have children and that they are fine, but after spending so long living with them, helping them and caring for them to have them up and leave one day is so hard on the old heart strings. We’ve said to all our children don’t be a stranger and if anything goes pear shaped with life, come home, we’ll help you.

Whatever it is. And when they do move out we randomly drop round with the odd bag of equally random bag of groceries, just to help out. Only the other day one of our older sons let slip he was living on Basmati rice until he gets paid. I know we’ve all done it when we moved out and had our own place, happy to finally have our own space and not have to share it with siblings etc., to be able to stay up past bedtime and do all those things you yearned to do as a child growing up, you say things to yourself like “I’ll eat sweets for breakfast” or “I’ll stay up as long as I want “but soon after you move in the shine and the novelty wears off, you get so tired trying to do everything, including your own laundry and you have to fit in with shifts anyway at work so you reluctantl­y find yourself fitting into the time table of others and have to go to bed and get up to match, thus pulling you kicking and screaming into the rat race like the rest of us.

So, I suppose we will be delivering another random bag of groceries to our older son.

Basmati rice is very pleasant, especially if you eat it with something else, like meat or chicken, even vegetables. So, we will have to sort that out.

Later today I shall decorate the cake, let’s hope it turns out alright and tastes ok.

I’d hate to have baked something inedible and disappoint him/them.

With chilli for lunch and a surprise visit from his older brother I’m hoping today will be a good day and his birthday is what he hoped for. As we age our birthday become less and less fun I find, it’s such a shame. Everything changes doesn’t it, not always for the good.

Time to go make that chilli and trim the front room for later.

I’ve got the lunch to prepare for six of us today, it will be good to sit round the table to eat.

I’m looking forward to it. We all are I’m told.

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June McInnes

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