The McLeod River Post

Hodge Podge “Another year older and deeper in debt?”

- by June McInnes June McInnes

Christmas is over!

There I said it, for some people Christmas is a time of excess, spending too much and taking the next year to pay it off, others they budget, some can’t afford it at all. We’re all different and so are our situations. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy Christmas, the tree the tinsel, mince pies, wrapping paper, smiles on people’s faces, hugs from family and friends.

It’s wonderful. The only thing that spoils it for me is the commercial side of things, the hard sell at the supermarke­ts and the fact that it seems that the push to sell starts early and ends late.

Christmas is not defined by all the trappings , for me it’s about , sharing and laughter, love and family. Being good to one another, taking time from your busy schedule to do something different, to show you really do care.

However, this Christmas for me was really lovely. It wasn’t what I expected at all, it way surpassed it.

It wasn’t the gifts, or the food, it was the company near and far that made it so wonderful.

To talk to family far away with the help of the Internet, felt like a miracle. To see how much our grandchild­ren have grown was also wonderful. Our children all sat round on Christmas Day both giving and quietly receiving gifts, smiling, laughing, it was fantastic. It made me realise just how lucky we really are. Life is short and you have to make the best of what you’ve been dealt my dad used to say, more and more I believe that he’s right.

We didn’t spend big, didn’t go into debt, but had lots.

So what if our house isn’t perfect yet and we’re working towards that. It’s been a long-term project. That we’ve only just had a shower and bathtub installed, it’s ours. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be great. We’ve had a hard year what with the house being semi derelict when we moved in and that in the beginning there wasn’t even electricit­y or running water let alone heating and yes, some of the windows were broken.

One by one these jobs have been done, I’d like to think we are in the end game now and soon will be able to put down the carpets and rugs and call it finished.

We’ve got all the essentials now, heating, lighting, running water and the one thing I learnt through all of this, people take things for granted, they miss the small things which is a shame. Our family has pulled together and given lots this year, not in monetary terms but in time and graft and most of importantl­y love, love is the glue that holds families together, whether your related by blood or not. Love is by far the best gift I’ve received this Christmas.

I’d like to thank all of them for their love and support. I love all of you more than just mere words can say. From where I sit right now I am a lucky woman to have such a terrific family.

Thank you so much for everything.

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