The Hamilton Spectator

Program analyzes extreme weather


The heat wave that gripped Eastern Canada last week brought stifling conditions, put pressure on the electricit­y grid and broke several temperatur­e records as residents sweltered.

While the unusually high temperatur­es have now relented, fundamenta­l questions remain: just how much more likely was that heat wave because of climate change? And how much worse did it get because of it?

Within a few days, researcher­s at Environmen­t and Climate Change Canada are expected to have the results.

The data would mark the public debut of Canada’s new rapid extreme weather event attributio­n pilot program. Environmen­t Canada will be able to say, within about a week of the end of a heat wave, whether and to what extent climate change made it more likely or intense. Environmen­t and Climate Change Canada is believed to be one of the first government offices in the world to publicly roll out such a tool and automatica­lly apply it to heat waves across large parts of the country.

“I think it’s an important milestone,” said Nathan Gillett, a research scientist with Environmen­t Canada and Climate Change Canada, who helped steer the pilot project since its approval in 2022 under the federal government’s national adaptation strategy.

Climate scientists have long detailed how planet-warming emissions are making weather extremes — from heat waves to heavy rainfall — more likely and severe across Canada.

Temperatur­es that would have been virtually impossible without burning fossil fuels are becoming the new extreme, scientists say, while extremes are becoming the new unusual.

Studies of those specific heat waves or floods can, however, take months to make it into a peer-reviewed scholarly journal.

By then, decision-makers may have debated how to rebuild or where to relocate after a devastatin­g flood, for example, without a clear indication of climate change’s role. Public attention and the news cycle has shifted elsewhere.

Rapid studies, popularize­d over the past decade by trail-blazing internatio­nal research groups, look to inject climate science into the discussion when it’s most relevant.

Take, for example, the bridges destroyed during the 2021 British Columbia floods, Gillett said.

“If you’re rebuilding those bridges, it’s useful to know whether the event was made more likely by human-induced climate change, and also to know how that likelihood might change in the future,” said Gillett, who co-authored a study that indicated that B.C. event was made 45 per cent more likely due to human-caused warming.

Attributio­n studies typically follow the same general premise. Researcher­s run climate models under two different scenarios. One scenario is modelled on a pre-industrial climate before humans started burning fossil fuels, and a second is based on a simulation of our climate as it is now.

Scientists then compare those results to a defined extreme weather event, such as the Eastern Canada heat wave, to figure out how it may have been influenced by humancause­d climate change.

Gillett said the pilot program will eventually be applied to other weather extremes, such as precipitat­ion and cold temperatur­es, and there is work ongoing to extend it to wildfire activity.

Rapid attributio­n tools are best used as a call to action, said Rachel White, an assistant professor of atmospheri­c sciences at the University of British Columbia, who uses climate models to study extreme weather events.

“All it’s doing is telling how bad the problem is; we still have to stop making the problem worse,” she said. “We need to be reducing our greenhouse gas emissions really quickly, and doing that in a way that … is fast, fair and forever.”

 ?? RYAN REMIORZ THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? People try to beat the 30 C heat in Montreal earlier this month. A new rapid extreme weather event attributio­n pilot program will let Enviroment Canada quickly determine the cause of heat waves.
RYAN REMIORZ THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO People try to beat the 30 C heat in Montreal earlier this month. A new rapid extreme weather event attributio­n pilot program will let Enviroment Canada quickly determine the cause of heat waves.

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