The Hamilton Spectator

Appointees sought for new Haldimand OPP Detachment Board


Haldimand County is recruiting appointees for the OPP Detachment Board, a new advisory committee that replaces the police services board.

The new-look board is a requiremen­t of the province’s Community Safety and Policing Act that went into effect April 1.

The county is accepting online applicatio­ns for two community member positions. An online applicatio­n form is available on the county website. The applicatio­n deadline is April 11.

“This opportunit­y offers a chance to actively participat­e in shaping local law enforcemen­t and safety initiative­s,” the county noted in a news release. “Experience in local government and/or previously serving on boards and committees is considered an asset.”

To qualify as a community board member, applicants must be eligible to vote in Haldimand County, pass a criminal background check, and complete online training courses.

The new OPP Detachment Board will feature two Haldimand County council appointees, two community representa­tives, Mississaug­as of the Credit First Nation council and community appointees, plus a single provincial appointmen­t, for a total of seven members.

Current police services board members include chair and citizen member Lorne Boyko, two Haldimand council representa­tives, including Mayor Shelley Ann Bentley and Ward 4 councillor Marie Trainer, plus provincial member Kelly Shaw. A second provincial member position remained vacant as of April 1.

Council will determine the representa­tives for the new board prior to its first meeting in May.

Haldimand is also recruiting members for the Accessibil­ity Advisory Committee, with a deadline of April 11.

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