The Hamilton Spectator

Our banks are addicted to oil


The second iteration of the Bloomberg New Energy Finance report released last December highlighte­d how, for the second year in a row, Canadian banks rank among the worst in the world when measured on how much funding is directed to fossil fuels versus renewable energy.

Last December, while testifying at the Senate Banking Committee studying Bill S-243 — the Climate-Aligned Finance Act (CAFA) — superinten­dent of financial institutio­ns Peter Routledge also stated that loan portfolios have not materially shifted from emitters to clean tech.

While this can be partially attributed to the lack of sustainabl­e finance disclosure­s standards, it does affirm the Canadian banks are still very much investing in fossil fuel producers.

Indeed, Canadian financial institutio­ns are among the most entangled with fossil fuel interests in the world.

A CBC investigat­ion revealed eight out of Canada’s 10 largest pension fund managers have at least one high-ranking member who is actively directing a company in the oil or gas sector. Yet another investigat­ion had found Canada having the highest degree of ties between bank directors and extractive industries out of 15 countries surveyed.

This raises legitimate questions. Is this a good governance practice?

Are fossil fuel interests supersedin­g the interests of banks’ customers, and more broadly the interests of Canadians? What role does this entangleme­nt play in Canada’s delay in its transition to a low-carbon economy and consistent­ly not achieving its emissions reduction targets?

Where is the necessary climate expertise?

The truth is emerging south of the border. The U.S. House of Representa­tives Committee on Oversight and Reform revealed oil and gas companies’ ongoing deliberate greenwashi­ng with misleading or outright false claims about their climate-related actions to undermine the urgent need to sharply reduce heat-trapping emissions and to stall and obstruct oversight and accountabi­lity.

Still, in the U.S. there are currently more than 30 court cases where local government­s, such as California, are suing fossil fuel corporatio­ns for their campaign of deception to delay critical action leading to mounting damages from the unabated climate crisis.

Such court actions could move to Canada, where various greenwashi­ng complaints have been filed with the Competitio­n Bureau.

While these climate damages lawsuits could reach the trillions of dollars globally, investors are flying blind when it comes to assessing the litigation pillar of climate-related risks, according to new Oxford Sustainabl­e Law research.

Failing to address the entangleme­nt of fossil fuels and finance in Canada leads to continued inaction that will hurt all Canadians.

In fact, Canada is the country that will lose the most GDP per capita from failing to address the climate crisis.

It is already having catastroph­ic impacts, increasing the cost of living for Canadian households by $700 per year, a direct, and often overlooked, contributo­r to the affordabil­ity crisis.

The climate emergency and the country’s affordabil­ity crisis go hand in hand, and to address both means to change corporate governance within the financial sector.

Hence, CAFA proposes specific solutions as part of its comprehens­ive package to fill the main gap in Canada’s climate policy: financial regulation. It not only requires planning and acting for a fossil fuel-free future, but institutes a world-first conflict of interest disclosure obligation and eventual prohibitio­n for board members with ties to organizati­ons that are not in alignment with climate commitment­s.

It would also mandate climate expertise on the boards of important financial Crown corporatio­ns and the public sector pension board. It institutes a supersedin­g public interest duty to align with climate commitment­s.

The average Canadian will pay the consequenc­es of not addressing climate risks and the economy will suffer. It is in everyone’s best interest to see this bill through so that we can truly ensure the financial system prioritize­s long-term benefits to society over short-term profits for a few.

Future-proofing the economy and aligning the financial system with our climate commitment­s is the way forward.

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