The Hamilton Spectator

Is the military ‘too woke?’


The publicatio­n of the latest issue of the Canadian Military Journal (CMJ) has angered some of Canada’s right-wing media commentato­rs.

The issue on the topic of diversity in the Canadian Armed Forces was branded as “woke” by the right. Furthermor­e, these commentato­rs implied the military itself has been taken hostage by radical ideologica­l “activists,” specifical­ly the women involved with the issue.

The irony of this, incidental­ly, seems lost on the Rebel News site that decries the “activism” of others while labelling itself “rebel.”

The opinion pieces are effectivel­y political performanc­e art, more concerned with stirring up resentment against the ruling Liberals than solving the woes of Canada’s military.

That the Journal has devoted its last three issues to both education and diversity in the military is no surprise to those who have been paying attention to widespread coverage of the military’s leadership failures over the past decade, nor is it an indication of where the publicatio­n’s coverage is heading in the future.

If we take this somewhat hysterical reaction in good faith, it reveals a deep-seated concern over the readiness of Canada’s military to deal with a national security emergency. It suggests that social concerns have distracted the military from its proper role to prepare for war.

Setting aside for the moment that Canada remains one of the most secure geographic­al locations on the planet, the idea that our armed forces are “too woke” misunderst­ands efforts to improve the work environmen­t for historical­ly under-represente­d groups.

This effort is as central to the ability of the CAF to fight wars in the future as acquiring the latest military technology. If diverse perspectiv­es within our own workforce are too difficult to understand, how much harder will be the effort to understand those of our allies and enemies?

“Wokeness” emerged as a term of political activism from the Black American experience in the 1930s. In recent years, it has been reappropri­ated to mock efforts to reexamine or change cultural norms. Now, criticizin­g something as woke only serves to identify and silence debate.

People are the foundation of all military capability.

Historical­ly, the Canadian Armed Forces has drawn the majority of its personnel from rural Canada. Demographi­cally, this source no longer reliably provides sufficient numbers of recruits to maintain the size of Canada’s military. Racialized minorities are now the fastest growing portion of Canada’s population.

War is the province of hardship. Training focuses on developing individual resilience to such conditions. Training also works to help team members bond and develop camaraderi­e, so that in the most difficult of circumstan­ces, all will pull together in the same direction with the same effort.

Research of the kind highlighte­d in the pages of the Canadian Military Journal shows that the norms and mores that have historical­ly shaped Canada’s military no longer reflect the increasing­ly diverse population of citizens.

Canada’s proud military history isn’t motivating young Canadians to enlist. Many of the institutio­ns and traditions of service, in fact, actually discourage people to stay in uniform.

In my role as professor at the Canadian Forces College, I’ve heard older CAF members sometimes argue “you joined us, we didn’t join you.”

This is a disastrous attitude given potential recruits and long-serving military personnel have considerab­le career options to choose from — often with better pay and fewer hassles and hardships that come with military life.

How we treat military families also has a strong impact on retention. Contempora­ry military families, like those of Canadian society in general, no longer reflect the tradition of a single male wage-earner with a non-employed female spouse to raise the kids.

The criticism of the Canadian Military Journal’s content essentiall­y concludes with admonishme­nts that diversity and inclusion efforts are a silly waste of time and resources that should be devoted to “proper soldiering.”

They ignore the elephant in the room — institutio­nal failures are directly relevant to the ongoing crisis. The solution, they seem to suggest, is to double down on failed policies rather than engage in the hard work of making a career in the military attractive.

In the end, these “woke” efforts are aimed at increasing operationa­l readiness by attracting more recruits from previously under-represente­d groups, and building a diverse force representa­tive of Canada and its values.

Defaulting to the same past approach is, as demonstrat­ed by missed recruiting targets of most western militaries, akin to the observatio­n that “insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.”

It is time for change.

 ?? SEAN KILPATRICK THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? Research shows that the norms and mores that have historical­ly shaped Canada’s military no longer reflect the increasing­ly diverse population of citizens, Paul T. Mitchell writes.
SEAN KILPATRICK THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO Research shows that the norms and mores that have historical­ly shaped Canada’s military no longer reflect the increasing­ly diverse population of citizens, Paul T. Mitchell writes.

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