The Hamilton Spectator

Payette situation was an entirely avoidable fiasco


The sudden resignatio­n of Julie Payette as Canada’s governor general has created a major new problem in a nation already mired in crisis.

It might not seem this way to Canadians struggling to survive a still-raging pandemic. Paying bills, home-schooling children and staying healthy are surely worrying people more than the vice-regal vacancy. But although COVID-19 is the more pressing challenge, the public should realize something serious just happened. Never in the 153-year history of this country has a Canadian governor general stepped down because of conduct that, to put it mildly, is so unbecoming. And, as a result of her departure Thursday, there’s a hole in our parliament­ary democracy that must be filled as quickly as possible.

The governor general may seem a quaint, ceremonial relic from our colonial past. Yet even if 99-percent of the job is pomp and circumstan­ce, one per cent includes significan­t powers that could be wielded if Justin Trudeau’s minority Liberal government falls this year.

If that happens, would there be an election or would opposition parties be granted a chance to govern? According to our political system, that’s the governor general’s call and the country doesn’t have one. It’s true that for now Supreme Court Chief Justice Richard Wagner has assumed the vice-regal responsibi­lities. But it’s impossible for him to properly discharge the duties of both roles for very long.

This is an entirely avoidable fiasco, and much of it should be laid at the feet of Prime Minister Trudeau and the advisers who helped him pick Payette in 2017. At that time, Trudeau foolishly bypassed an effective, non-partisan system that was already in place before deciding to select a candidate who, on the surface, ticked many of his preferred boxes. A scientist, astronaut, national hero as well as a French-Canadian woman, Payette seemed an inspired choice. Yet even the most rudimentar­y due diligence would have circled her name in red. There were legal issues in her past that weren’t vetted. When she headed the Montreal Science Centre, staff there complained she mistreated them.

Similar reports began leaking out after Payette became governor general. Her staff accused her and her secretary, Assunta Di Lorenzo, of creating a toxic work culture where bullied workers were often reduced to tears. Last year CBC reported the work environmen­t at Payette’s Rideau Hall office and residence was a “a house of horrors.” But there was more even beyond such inexcusabl­e, abusive behaviour. Payette resented the job and performed it poorly. Especially early on, she made far fewer public appearance­s than her predecesso­rs and ignored groups with valued historic ties to her office.

The scathing findings of the independen­t investigat­ion that led to Payette’s resignatio­ns apparently substantia­ted the allegation­s. We say “apparently” because the report hasn’t been released. It should.

Even more important, Trudeau must quickly replace Payette with someone actually up to the job. One option is reappointi­ng Payette’s highly successful predecesso­r, David Johnston, to the position for one year. That could be a useful stopgap as the country approaches another federal budget — and possible non-confidence vote.

When it comes to finding a long-term successor to Payette, Trudeau should rely on the non-partisan system he previously ignored. In the interests of diversity and inclusivit­y, Indigenous, Black and racialized candidates should receive high considerat­ion. And in order to restore public faith in the office of governor general, due diligence absolutely must be done. One failed governor general is enough.

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