The Hamilton Spectator

Canadians need to seek emergency care even when in lockdown

- DAVID O’TOOLE David O’Toole is president and CEO Canadian Institute for Health Informatio­n (CIHI).

Most concerning is that even visits for patients with the most serious conditions — ones that involved heart attacks and strokes, for instance — dropped by about 30 per cent

With COVID-19 cases at alarming levels in many parts of the country, government­s and health experts are telling Canadians, more forcefully, to stay home.

The goal, of course, is to reduce the rate of infection, save lives and protect our hospital resources.

This “stay at home” message is being reinforced with headlines about hospital ICUs being at or over capacity — with some having to send patients to other regions for care.

Government­s and health officials are working hard to equip Canadians with informatio­n around how to prevent the spread of COVID-19. That informatio­n is extremely important.

But, along with the focus on staying at home, one simple — yet critical — message is being missed: Canadians who need emergency care should get themselves to the emergency room.

At the Canadian Institute for Health Informatio­n, our data from the first wave of the pandemic showed just how important this message is.

In April 2020, 25,000 fewer people were visiting Canada’s ERs every day. That’s about half the usual daily volume our country’s ERs would typically see.

Most concerning is that even visits for patients with the most serious conditions — ones that involved heart attacks and strokes, for instance — dropped by about 30 per cent.

We also saw deaths in our ERs increase, with cardiac events being the most common cause.

What this data makes clear is that many Canadians may have postponed or entirely avoided emergency rooms during the pandemic.

This may have had serious consequenc­es.

When patients did access care, many may have been sicker and needed greater interventi­ons.

Now of course, we can’t pin the entire decrease on ER visits to the “stay at home” urgings from government­s and health experts.

We all changed our behaviour at the beginning of the pandemic and beyond — with some playground­s closed, team sports on hold, and less traffic on the roads, there were likely fewer accidents or injuries.

In parts of Canada, COVID-19 preparatio­ns included new approaches — rather than triaging people in the ER, some health systems triaged patients virtually or at the ER door, redirectin­g those who could receive care elsewhere. This may also have led to a decrease in ER visits. But all these factors alone don’t account for the drastic drop in visits.

Our experience is not unique: according to the U.K.-based Health Foundation, in England, ER visits also dropped by more than 50 per cent in the pandemic’s first wave.

Like in Canada, the foundation said there were several factors driving the drop in visits, but that “the reduction in visits for acute conditions such as stroke and heart attack remain a concern.”

At this important juncture in the pandemic, let’s listen to the data.

It’s showing us that some Canadians potentiall­y avoided the emergency room when they needed it most.

When we consider the valid reasons to leave home, accessing emergency health care should be at the top of the list.

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