The Hamilton Spectator

Everyone has met a guy like Trump



You’ve all met this guy. He’s the guy with solutions. He’s never been a teacher, but he’s convinced rote multiplica­tion skills are the missing link in our nation’s math curriculum.

He’s never studied internatio­nal relations, but the solutions to his country’s overseas diplomacy problems are sitting right there — they’re obvious! — if only the incompeten­t fodder in federal government would see things his way. He knows everything, and he knows nothing.

As irritating as this guy is, most people nod politely, finish their beer and make their (slightly hastened) exit. You don’t dislike him, per se; you just don’t want to make time for him. More importantl­y, you don’t indulge his arguments. It’s impossible to reason with someone who doesn’t know what they don’t know. Except when the guy is the president of one of the most powerful countries on earth, and he suggests that bringing guns into schools — concealed carry or otherwise — will solve the problem of school shootings. Now the misinforma­tion comes from power, and because of that, it garners inexplicab­le considerat­ion.

Herein lies the grave error. If a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, then a bad idea expressed from an establishe­d institutio­n must smell equally foul. Media outlets will passionate­ly debate the merits of Trump’s solution. It’s a waste of time. Instead, they need to redirect the conversati­on. After all, one misguided stroke of a legislativ­e pen, and all the righteous dinner party debates in the world won’t mean a damn thing.

Jason Adams, Hamilton

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