The Hamilton Spectator

holiday hosts Don’t forget to gift


Millions of people will travel this holiday season, and many of them will lay their heads to rest in the homes of family and friends. Hosting guests come the holiday season can make this time of year that much more special, but hosting also is a significan­t undertakin­g that asks a lot of the men and women who open their homes to loved ones.

Guests who want to express their gratitude for their holiday hosts can do so in any number of ways, and the following are a handful of ideas that would surely please your hosts this holiday season.

Night out on the town

Holiday hosts have a lot on their plates. Before guests arrive, hosts clean their homes top to bottom and may even rearrange rooms in their homes to accommodat­e overnight guests. Once the guests arrive, hosts work to cater to their guests’ needs. Guests can show their hosts how much they appreciate them by paying for a night out on the town. Babysit hosts’ kids so mom and dad can enjoy a night out together, or take the whole family out and foot the bill. A night out can be enjoyable for all involved, and it gives hosts the night off from cooking dinner.

Cater a meal

If your family is too big to take out or if the family simply prefers to stay in and enjoy one another’s company, pay for a catered meal to be delivered to your hosts’ home. This can be a great way to catch up, and hosts can join in the fun because they won’t be busy preparing dinner in the kitchen.

Wine rack

Men and women who offer to host for the holidays likely don’t mind hosting at other times of the year as well. A brand new wine rack can make for a great gift for your friend or relative who loves to host dinner parties throughout the year. Stock the rack with a couple of bottles of wine and crack one open to celebrate your loved one’s new toy.


If you want to give your holiday hosts something practical, then some linens they can use right away make great gifts. Quality bed sheets, some warm blankets and some soft, high-quality towels can help hosts replenish their linen closets, and they might appreciate using these new items once the holiday season has come and gone.

Cook breakfast

Another great way to show your appreciati­on to your holiday hosts is to make breakfast for everyone each morning during your stay. Let your hosts relax with a cup of coffee while you prepare breakfast each morning for everyone staying at the house. Hosts will no doubt appreciate the hasslefree mornings, and a fresh, home-cooked meal is a great way to express your own appreciati­on for their hospitalit­y.

Holiday hosts accept a lot of responsibi­lity when welcoming guests into their homes. Guests can show their appreciati­on for this hospitalit­y in numerous ways. (MC)

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