The Hamilton Spectator

From the Editor

- Kelly Mencfeld Editor, Holiday Gift Guides

For whatever reason, I am more excited for the upcoming holiday season this year, than ever before. Having moved into a new home, in a different area, I find myself wanting to out-do our neighbours with our holiday decor that so many have already put up and are enjoying.

However, sticking with our family traditions, we do not start decorating either inside or out, until the weekend after American Thanksgivi­ng (Shhh! I may have hidden small decoration­s that only I know about around the house to tide me over) and of course, once the Black Friday sales have subsided.

I try to take advantage of the many Black Friday sales for everything from home decor and decoration­s, to gifts for pretty much everyone and anyone of my holiday shopping list.

Because of my love for shopping on Black Friday, I’ve tried to put as much great informatio­n and shopping ideas in our annual, and now first holiday gift guide, to help kick off the holiday season right!

During the next few weeks, you will find three other holiday gift guides – Getting Ready, Great Gift Ideas and of course, for all of you last minute shoppers out there, our Wrap It Up guide. For those of you who are familiar to our gift guides you may have noticed that we changed things up a little bit this year. By offering four guides with more general themes we are able to provide more great content for everyone in the family, in each of our guides, which I am sure you will agree, is a great idea!

I hope you find these guides to be a helpful resource over the coming weeks.And for those of you who haven’t joined the holiday cheer bandwagon yet, let me remind you, it be over before you know it so take advantage of every minute that you can! You will be happy you did!

I wish you a wonderful and safe holiday season.


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