The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Gassing up the system

More diesel buses coming to Charlottet­own

- LOGAN MACLEAN THE GUARDIAN logan.maclean@theguardia­ @loganmacle­an94

Three more diesel buses are on the way to Charlottet­own, joining three previously approved vehicles for a total of six.

City council voted 7-0 at its May 14 regular meeting to approve the purchase of its buses for its growing transit system.

The city already has three diesel buses on order but added three more at the latest meeting.

The resolution called for council to “approve the purchase of three additional 40-foot diesel buses from Nova Bus at a cost of $2,442,756.15 plus tax.”

The staff report recommends adding the new buses to the already existing order instead of going out to tender again, noting the second-highest scoring bid on the original tender was more expensive than Nova Bus.

The original three are set for delivery in fall 2024. The three extras will come at a higher cost because they will arrive later, the report said.

“(There are) time savings if we increase the Nova Bus order from three to six buses without issuing another RFP. Nova Bus can supply three more buses in one year from the first order. New buses are in great demand across the country, and we would risk not having new buses for old fleet replacemen­t in 2025 if we went for RFP again.”


Coun. Justin Muttart asked why the city was investing in more diesel vehicles, given the emphasis on electric.

“In my short time here on council, I thought there was a move towards electrific­ation of buses throughout the city as a whole.”

Coun. Trevor Mackinnon, who spoke on behalf of the absent chair of the environmen­t and sustainabi­lity committee, said the system needs buses as a stop gap while the electric system develops.

“It’s a supply and demand thing right now. We can’t get the electric buses as fast as we need them to replace buses that need to be replaced.”

Muttart also asked about funding for the vehicles and whether it would come from ICIP — the federal investing in Canada infrastruc­ture program.

Jessika Corkum-gorrill, environmen­t and sustainabi­lity department manager, confirmed the money is from ICIP, and said council already approved the money. The vote was to purchase specific buses.

Coun. Mitchell Tweel asked about a timeline on the city’s commitment to an electric transit system.

Corkum-gorrill said the plan outlined in the ICIP agreement is a launch of spring 2026. This depot and its chargers are required to run a full fleet of e-buses.

“We can’t have electric buses without the infrastruc­ture to charge them.”

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