The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Newsboys keep the faith alive with Restart

- BY TRACEY EVISON Tracey Evison, a musician and educator on P. E. I., writes this column for The Guardian every second Saturday. She can be contacted by email at trevorandt­racey@pei. sympatico. ca.

Over the past month or so, I have spent a lot of time listening to, and enjoying, the latest album from the Newsboys.

Released from Sparrow Records in September, Restart contains 11 tracks that made this Newsboys fan very happy. With Restart, produced by executive producer Wes Campbell, the band presents its 17th studio album since the group’s inception in 1985. The current band consists of Michael Tait ( vocals), Jody Davis ( lead guitar, backing vocals), Jeff Frankenste­in ( Keyboards, synth bass, backing vocals) and Duncan Phillips ( drums/ percussion).

Restart opens with the engaging rock anthem, That’s How You Change the World. Tait belts out the lyrics on the chorus, “It’s the prayer in an empty room/ Little things we do when nobody’s around/ A hand reaching out toa heart in doubt/ It’s the smallest spark that can light the dark/ That’s how you change the world.”

The album continues with the title track, Restart, using some techno sounds to emphasize how God gives us all a second chance. “I was lost... I was fallin’ apart/ But You came along/ You hit the restart.”

As the album continues, a theme of living the life we believe comes through strongly. Love Like I Mean It speaks to how we often have good intentions, but we also have to show the love we feel. “Words are not what love is made of/ I wanna do more than that/ I want you to see it/ And believe it.... I wanna love like I mean it.”

The ballad That Home is a tribute to a mom who loved the neighbourh­ood and taught her family about Jesus.

Sung by Tait, whose own mother recently passed away, the song is a poignant tribute to a mom who loves those around her. “Momma had a way of making things okay/ In that home we knew we were safe.... to find the faith to believe... that’s where we learned to forgive/ In that home.”

Disaster is one of my favourite songs on Restart. An energetic rock number, is reminds us how God loves us in our brokenness. “You love me even after/ I am a disaster... You pick me up and hold me/ God, You are the only/ Remedy my heart’s been looking for/ You’re the cure.”

The album concludes with the softer strains of We Believe.” A song of testimony on conviction, it speaks to the core of what we believe and challenges the listener to live the faith. “We believe in God the Father/ We believe in Jesus Christ/ We believe in the Holy Spirit/ And that He’s given us new life.... so let our faith be more than anthems/ Greater than the songs we sing.... we believe.”

With Restart, the Newsboys have succeeded in keeping the faith and the music alive. Restart is an excellent album — well worth a listen ( or two, or three....).

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