The Daily Courier

Americaniz­ing Canada


Dear Editor:

Consider the events of the past several days: the supposed assassinat­ion attempt on Trump, by a Republican supporter, using his father’s rifle. No time was lost in trying to pin it on “Sleepy Joe.”

Shades of Jan. 6. “Hang Mike Pence,” “Kill Pelosi”. Well, what do you know? They tried. Sarah Palin’s target on Gabby Giffords’ head, led some obliging misfit Republican to carry it out. In the recent incident, as on Jan. 6, people died. Trump has incited violence from Day 1.

It gets him publicity. No one, apparently, sees the hypocrisy of him doing this with a Bible in his hand. Listen to the “analysts” on the street, a prime example being the driver of a red half-ton, wearer of a MAGA cap, truck emblazoned with (more explicitly) “FBIDEN”. When asked if this wasn’t symbolic of the violence accompanyi­ng Trump’s campaign (where nomination was occurring in an “open carry” state), his reply: “No, I’m being DIRECT”.

It has been the mission of our Northern Republican­s to Americaniz­e Canada, slavishly copying Republican tactics and innuendo. Guns are advocated for, social services derided. The threat made by Stephen Harper (2004): “When I’m done with Canada , you won’t recognize it” should ring in your ears as his protege courts “freedom” convoy affiliates in his bid for power.

These are not thinkers. These are followers. They don’t value Canada , science, medicine, or vaccines; yet readily access our medical system and our social services while waving flags copying a low class from south of the border.

Those who are not lemmings recognize the childish imitation of Trump in Canada’s Conservati­ve leader’s inflammato­ry hyperbole, which his two predecesso­rs in Opposition also indulged in verbatim. Following the Trump incident, Pierre Poilievre remarked, “I’m happy the suspected shooter is dead.” Not wondering if he had acted alone, or what had led him to this act. After all, “dead men tell no tales” and Trump stood victorious, fist in the air, people injured and dead around him, as he shouted “Fight! Fight! Fight!’

Our friend John Rustad, here in B.C. has been echoing Poilievre’s slogans and now his exact sentiments on the death of the shooter.

That devout admirer of the U.S., Harper, doesn’t live there. While living in Bragg Creek area of Calgary in a multi-million dollar home, attending millionair­e weddings in India, he is dissing the Canadian values that have made it all possible for him.

Do these Northern Republican­s emulating American vernacular on “social” media, move States side? Not on your life. Our medical system, our decent country, are too appealing. Yet they are determined to destroy it for the rest of us, and “followers” will unwittingl­y help them.

Elaine Lawrence Kelowna

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