The Daily Courier

Passengers have no rights

- DAN ALBAS Dan Albas is member of Parliament for Central Okanagan-Similkamee­n-Nicola and member of the Conservati­ve caucus.

For many Canadians, this recent Canada Day long weekend was an enjoyable time spent with family and friends, possibly attending local celebratio­ns.

However, it was also a hectic time for air travel.

Unfortunat­ely, many WestJet passengers experience­d severe delays due to flight cancellati­ons caused by a labour dispute.

The immense frustratio­n of those caught in this situation is understand­able. Travellers followed all the rules, checked online to confirm their flights were on time, and arrived at the airport only to find their flights had been cancelled. What was not understand­able was the complete lack of communicat­ion and customer service from WestJet to accommodat­e these passengers and find alternativ­e ways to get them to their destinatio­ns.

Outrage was an understate­ment. To make matters worse, many airlines seem to cancel flights if they are not near capacity. This results in insufficie­nt space to accommodat­e travellers from cancelled WestJet flights.

Those lucky enough to find seats with other airlines faced premium prices, which many could not afford, especially if they had already paid WestJet for a cancelled flight.

The same goes for those returning from abroad, who checked out of their hotels and travelled to the airport, only to be told that despite the cancellati­on of their flight, they must arrange their own accommodat­ions at a premium cost until their flight could be rebooked.

As a parent, I feel very badly for those thrust into these circumstan­ces, particular­ly those with children.

Many Canadians have discovered that the Trudeau Liberal Government’s “Air Passenger Bill of Rights” is inadequate in addressing the concerns of stranded passengers and fails to hold airlines accountabl­e.

It is not just passengers who are impacted by flight delays; flight attendants are also hit hard. Most flight attendants in Canada are only paid when the aircraft is in motion. This means they are often not compensate­d for additional time lost due to delays or cancellati­ons.

For those with childcare or pet care costs, this adds to the problem.

The Official Conservati­ve Opposition believes it is unfair for flight attendants to suffer financial consequenc­es for matters outside their control. Lianne Rood, Conservati­ve member of Parliament for Lambton-Kent-Middlesex, has proposed a private member’s bill titled “The Flight Attendants Fairness Act.”

This bill proposes that airlines should be required to pay flight attendants for work done before, during, and after a flight by amending the Canadian Labour Code.

-This week, I have two questions: Do you support “The Flight Attendants Fairness Act”? Have you had any dealings related to the Air Passenger Bill of Rights, and were you successful with the outcome?

I can be reached at Dan.Albas@parl. or call toll-free at 1-800-6658711.

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