The Daily Courier

Poilievre against the environmen­t, organized labour


Dear Editor:

People should familiariz­e themselves with Trump’s Project 2025 conservati­ve platform and take a closer look at Pierre Poilievre. One of the five key points of Project 2025 is the eliminatio­n of environmen­tal projection­s -- which serves only to benefit wealthy shareholde­rs, at the expense of future generation­s.

Poilievre voted nearly 400 times during his 20-year political career against the environmen­t and climate. Citizens who support this man clearly indicate their lack-of-concern for future generation­s. Short-term gain and greed, by way of eliminatio­n of the carbon tax, far outweighs their concern for the future of the planet.

Recently, Canadian Labour Congress President Bea Bruske urged all unions to do everything they can to expose Poilievre as a “fraud” for portraying himself as a friend of the working class.

“We must be under no illusions.” In support of the CLC president’s comments, consider some of the following times Poilievre has attacked our labour rights:

06/23/11 – voted to order Canada Post workers back to work;

03/13/12 – voted to order Air Canada workers back to work;

04/30/12 – voted to raise the age of retirement;

05/16/12 – voted to raise the age of retirement, again;

05/29/12 – voted to order CP Rail workers back to work;

12/12/12 – voted for Bill C-377, underminin­g unions;

04/09/14 – voted for Bill C-525, underminin­g unions, again;

11/28/16 – voted to allow employers to use scabs if you go on strike;

11/28/18 – voted for Bill C-405, attacking rights to keep pensions; and

04/03/19 – voted for your boss to use scabs if you go on strike, again.

Poilievre has spent his 20 years in politics with a continuous stance against workers -the facts speak for themselves, despite the fictitious about-face that he is currently projecting in order to gain power.

Don’t be fooled.

Patrick MacDonald Kelowna

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