The Daily Courier

Conservati­ves racing to ‘extremes’: Christy Clark


Former B.C. premier and Westside-Kelowna MLA Christy Clark endorsed Jean Charest on Thursday to be the next leader of the federal Conservati­ves at a time when she says the party is racing to the extremes.

She also expressed choice words for a pitch from a front-runner in Alberta’s United Conservati­ve Party leadership contest who has vowed to introduce legislatio­n to ignore federal laws.

“I think that is bats--t crazy,” Clark said of Danielle Smith’s proposed Alberta Sovereignt­y Act.

Clark’s comment followed an impassione­d speech she delivered in Edmonton to a room of conservati­ves gathered to discuss the need for the federal party to stick closer to the political centre.

The event was hosted by Centre Ice Conservati­ves, an advocacy group that formed at the start of the Tories’ leadership contest to encourage candidates to focus on issues like the economy. It argues that championin­g affordabil­ity measures resonate with mainstream Canadians more than others like fighting pandemic-related health restrictio­ns, which has become a rallying cry for many across conservati­ve movements.

Its co-founder Rick Peterson ran in the party’s 2017 leadership contest and has said the new group will not endorse a candidate in the current race.

Clark was the keynote speaker at Thursday’s event and only waded into commenting on the contest to replace Alberta Premier Jason Kenney as UCP leader when asked to by an audience member.

Clark, who formerly led the centre-right BC Liberal Party, spoke for roughly 20 minutes about the need for political leaders to focus on what Canadians have in common and not stoke division.

She accused Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of dividing the country when he said the views of the “Freedom Convoy” protesters who blockaded roads and highways last winter to oppose COVID-19 vaccine mandates were unacceptab­le.

Clark said politician­s who divide create opportunit­ies for others to do the same.

“Now we’re watching the Conservati­ve Party of Canada make its race for the extremes to play to the very edges of the political divide,” she said.

“I think some days their rhetoric is just as bad or even worse.”

Her comments come as party members have less than one month left to cast their ballots to pick the next leader.

The race, which began in February, has been a fight for the party’s soul and future direction.

The main rivalry has been between longtime Conservati­ve MP Pierre Poilievre, who is running on a broad campaign message of “freedom,” and ex-Quebec premier Jean Charest, who has condemned the convoy as breaking the rule of law.

Of the 678,000 Conservati­ve members able to vote in the race, the party reports that around 174,000 ballots have been returned ahead of the deadline Sept.6.

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