The Chronicle Herald (Provincial)

‘I will never feel safe again’

South Shore man pleads guilty to charges of assault, misleading police

- STEVE BRUCE @Steve_courts

Susan Oickle is thankful she had the presence of mind to turn on the audio recorder on her cellphone when her former common-law husband, Rick Fancy, stormed into their Lunenburg County house on the afternoon of July 23, 2020.

The pair, who had recently split up after more than 16 years together, had just completed a meeting at the Hebbville home about dividing their assets.

That meeting “did not go well” and Fancy was upset, a Crown attorney said Monday in Bridgewate­r provincial court. Fancy pushed his ex against the wall during an argument and then excused his behaviour by saying he had slipped.

“That's it, that's it!” Oickle exclaimed before walking out of the house. As she left, she could hear Fancy yelling that she had hit him and that his arm was injured.

She got into her car and drove away, parking down the road to call 911 to report that she had been assaulted.

But Fancy had called 911 first, claiming he was the victim and that Oickle had struck him with a vase, injuring his left arm. When paramedics and RCMP arrived at the house, the retired soldier had a visible injury on his arm that he said had been inflicted by his ex.

Oickle, still in her vehicle down the road, was arrested for assault with a weapon and transporte­d to the RCMP detachment in Cookville. She was photograph­ed, fingerprin­ted and spent about four hours in custody before she was released without being charged.

Fortunatel­y for Oickle, the recording on her cellphone proved Fancy was lying.

Richard Allister Fancy, 60, who now lives in Liverpool, was supposed to stand trial Monday but pleaded guilty during a virtual proceeding to charges of assault and committing public mischief by misleading police.

Judge Paul Scovil accepted a joint sentencing recommenda­tion from lawyers for a conditiona­l discharge with 15 months' probation.

“The Crown and the public at large have very serious concerns (about) the matter before the court,” prosecutor Keavinmath­ieu Gallant Finnerty said in his submission.

“The false statement which Mr. Fancy provided to the RCMP led them on their investigat­ion and caused the real victim here ... to spend time in custody. That's not an experience anyone should be put (through), let alone a victim of domestic violence.”

He said the false statement also tied up police resources at a time when a manhunt for fugitive Tobias Doucette was underway in the Bridgewate­r area. Doucette, who allegedly assaulted his common-law spouse before stabbing a police officer, was on the run for more than five days before he was arrested in Hebbville on July 26.

Oickle told the court she has lived in constant fear since she was assaulted by Fancy and is always worried she will see him when she goes out in public.

“I live behind locked doors and a security system,” she said in a victim impact statement. “My family is afraid for me. I have to answer phone (calls) or texts promptly or they worry.

“I was arrested for something I didn't do, because he lied. I had my freedom taken from me (and) sat in a jail cell for hours, not knowing why or for how long I would have to stay there, until I could tell police what happened.”

Oickle said she carries a panic button and dog spray everywhere she goes, even if she's out in the yard.

“I will never feel safe again,” she said. “I don't sleep well, always thinking, ‘What if I hadn't been able to prove I didn't do anything wrong? What if? What if?'

“I'll never trust anyone again like I trusted him.”

The court was told Fancy is a veteran of the Canadian Forces and has post-traumatic stress disorder from his service in Bosnia. Defence lawyer Shawn D'arcy said his client is seeing a psychologi­st and is on medication.

“The probation period is a significan­t period of time,” D'arcy said. “Mr. Fancy continues to work towards getting his health back.”

“I just want to apologize for what I've done,” Fancy said. “It's not who I am, and I'm sorry to everybody who's involved.”

The judge said the "most troubling aspect” of the case was Fancy's false statement to police.

“That is very troubling,” Scovil said. “I can tell you, if the Crown wanted to have a greater sentence, it probably would have been appropriat­e.”

He ordered Fancy to perform 20 hours of community service while on probation and prohibited him from possessing weapons, having any contact with Oickle, or being within 10 metres of her home, workplace or church.

Fancy also must participat­e in counsellin­g for mental health, anger management and intimate partner-related violence interventi­on and prevention, as directed by his probation officer.

If he successful­ly completes his probation term, his conviction­s will be discharged and he will not have a criminal record. A charge of property mischief was dismissed.

In November 2014, Fancy wore military decoration­s he hadn't earned — Afghanista­n and Somalia medals and paratroope­r jump wings — to the Remembranc­e Day ceremony at Halifax's Grand Parade. He was a master warrant officer in the Halifax Rifles reserves regiment at the time.

Fancy pleaded guilty at a court martial in May 2016 to three counts of conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline. He was fined $300 and reduced in rank to warrant officer.

In March 2017, the Governor General's office stripped him of his membership in the Order of Military Merit, which he had received the month before the Remembranc­e Day incident.

Contacted by The Chronicle Herald after Monday's hearing, Oickle said she believes Fancy should have gotten jail time for what he did to her, but she's pleased the case is over.

“If this can save one other person from being victimized, I'll be happy,” she said.

Oickle has been a registered nurse for almost 46 years. She retired last year but has returned to work to administer the COVID-19 vaccine.

“My favourite saying now is I'm footloose and Fancy-free,” she quipped.

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 ??  ?? Susan Oickle and Rick Fancy pose for a selfie during happier times in 2019. Fancy pleaded guilty Monday in Bridgewate­r provincial court to assaulting Oickle last July and misleading police by falsely accusing her of assault. He received a conditiona­l discharge with 15 months’ probation.
Susan Oickle and Rick Fancy pose for a selfie during happier times in 2019. Fancy pleaded guilty Monday in Bridgewate­r provincial court to assaulting Oickle last July and misleading police by falsely accusing her of assault. He received a conditiona­l discharge with 15 months’ probation.

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