The Chronicle Herald (Metro)

Four early summer garden tasks

- NIKI JABBOUR @Nikijabbou­r Niki Jabbour is the best-selling author of three gardening books and a two-time winner of the prestigiou­s American Horticultu­ral Society Book Award. Find her on social media and at Savvygarde­

July is my favourite month in the vegetable garden. My raised beds are filled with a wide variety of crops ready to pick and the annual flowers are beginning to bloom. Slug pressure is finally subsiding and there are countless bumblebees, hummingbir­ds, and swallowtai­l butterflie­s.

While I spend a lot of time just enjoying the garden, I also keep on top of tasks like weeding, watering, and fertilizin­g. Regular care results in healthier plants and healthier plants are more likely to produce a good yield.

Here are four tasks on my to-do list:


Harvesting the garlic crop is one of my favourite tasks in July. Garlic is very easy to grow and the flavour of homegrown is far superior to anything found in the supermarke­t. Garlic also offers a dual crop: crisp scapes in late June followed by the pungent bulbs a month later.

Garlic bulbs are ready to dig when half of the leaves have yellowed. Use a garden fork to lift the bulbs and gently remove any clods of soil stuck to the roots. To develop its full flavour, garlic needs to cure for two weeks. I hang my plants in a well-ventilated room but they can also be laid on sheets of newspaper and turned every few days.

After curing, clip the stems, leaving a two-inch stub and trim the roots back to an inch. Store garlic in a cool basement in a single layer in baskets or boxes, or hang in mesh bags.

Root depth also plays a role in the need to irrigate and this varies depending on the type of crop.


By now, all the spring vegetables in my garden and containers have been harvested and I have more space for successive crops. My mid-july planting plans include sowing seeds for zucchini, bush varieties of cucumbers, bush beans, peas, beets, carrots, cabbage, and broccoli. I’m also planting more sunflower seeds so that we’ll have gorgeous flowers into late summer and autumn.

The challenge when succession planting is keeping the soil consistent­ly moist when the weather is hot and dry. I water newly seeded and transplant­ed beds every day or two if we’ve had no rain. Once the plants are establishe­d you can water less often.


And while I’m on the topic of watering, did you know there are certain times in the life-cycle of plants when they need more water? As noted above, newly planted seeds and seedlings need ample moisture, but so do plants, like beans and cucumbers, that are beginning to flower and fruit. A consistent supply of water helps them reach maximum production. If they’re drought-stressed, production declines.

Root depth also plays a role in the need to irrigate and this varies depending on the type of crop. For example, carrots and cucumbers have shallow root systems and need to be watered more often than medium rooted (potatoes, peppers) and deep-rooted crops (tomatoes, pumpkins).


The past six weeks have seen very little rain in my vegetable garden and I’ve taken to deep watering twice a week. But it’s not just my crops that need water, setting out water for bees is a great way to support these important pollinator­s.

Making a bee bath is a quick and easy DIY and a fun project for kids. Start by gathering your materials: 1) a shallow tray or dish with no holes 2) rocks and stones 3) water.

Place the stones in the dish and fill with water so that the level is just beneath the top of the stones. The bees will land on the stones to access the water. I change the water daily and if dirt accumulate­s I’ll rinse the dish and refill with the stones and fresh water.

 ??  ?? A fun and easy DIY for the summer garden is a bee bath which provides a source of moisture for pollinator­s.
A fun and easy DIY for the summer garden is a bee bath which provides a source of moisture for pollinator­s.
 ??  ?? As you harvest early summer crops fill the empty spaces in the garden with more seeds and seedlings for bush beans, sunflowers, cucumbers, or zucchini.
As you harvest early summer crops fill the empty spaces in the garden with more seeds and seedlings for bush beans, sunflowers, cucumbers, or zucchini.
 ??  ?? It’s time to harvest homegrown garlic when half of the leaves have yellowed. Carefully dig the bulbs and hang the plants to cure for two weeks.
It’s time to harvest homegrown garlic when half of the leaves have yellowed. Carefully dig the bulbs and hang the plants to cure for two weeks.
 ??  ??

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