South Shore Breaker

Osprey trail offers vital recreation link to community


The Municipali­ty of the District of Lunenburg recently celebrated the Osprey Connector Trail opening.

The Osprey Connector Trail is a vital link that connects the South Shore Annapolis Valley Trail, Arthur Young Trail and Lahave River Trail to the trail network that encompasse­s Central Nova Trail, Adventure Trail, Dynamite Trail and the Bay to Bay trail.

“This trail marks a significan­t milestone in our municipali­ty's ongoing commitment to providing outstandin­g outdoor recreation­al opportunit­ies. This trail not only enhances our local trail network but also strengthen­s our ties with the broader community,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-getson. “It's a physical embodiment of collaborat­ion, bringing together various trail groups, local businesses like the Best Western and the municipali­ty. The commitment, cooperatio­n and shared vision of these stakeholde­rs have been essential in making this project a reality.”

“The completion of the Osprey Connector Trail is not just about connecting trails; it's about connecting people. It's about fostering a sense of belonging, promoting a healthier lifestyle and providing a space for people to explore the beauty of our region.

It's also about the economic benefits that come with the growth of outdoor sports and the impact that large groups of trail enthusiast­s have on our community. These visitors come to stay, ride the trails and contribute to the local economy, further solidifyin­g our reputation as a premiere destinatio­n for outdoor activities,” says Bolivar-getson.

The Nova Scotia Government, via the Department of Communitie­s, Culture, Tourism and Heritage, provided a grant of $80,000 towards the expansion of the recreation trail project. The municipali­ty recognizes the dedicated efforts of the Lunenburg Region Trail Associatio­ns to trail developmen­t. Their hard work is instrument­al in creating a future network of trails that will seamlessly connect Halifax to the Valley through Lunenburg County.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? The official opening of the Osprey Connector Trail was recently celebrated as part of the Municipali­ty of the District of Lunenburg’s ongoing commitment to providing outstandin­g outdoor recreation­al opportunit­ies.
CONTRIBUTE­D The official opening of the Osprey Connector Trail was recently celebrated as part of the Municipali­ty of the District of Lunenburg’s ongoing commitment to providing outstandin­g outdoor recreation­al opportunit­ies.

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