South Shore Breaker

The sweet and spicy buzz on honey infusions

- MARK DEWOLF @drink_east

Honey infusions are not new, however, the concept of combining the heat of chilies with the sweetness of honey is now buzzing with enthusiasm.

One Atlantic Canadian company taking advantage of it is The Halifax Honey Company. The company has been creating a culinary buzz that's hard to resist.

At the helm of this gastronomi­c adventure are two individual­s, Jesse Abbass and Jake Mahoney, who were driven to start the business by their love for great-tasting food, a spirit of entreprene­urship and an unwavering commitment to supporting local. I recently met the dynamic duo to discuss their sweet success story.



Jesse Abbass' journey into the world of gastronomy began in Stayner's, his father Todd's Halifax-based restaurant. Stayner's was a staple of the Halifax waterfront for nearly two decades before it closed in 2020. Working in the restaurant, a deep-seated passion for food started to simmer. As he says, “I grew up in the hospitalit­y industry, so I was always around food. I loved creating different dishes for friends and family.”

Around 2015, Jesse and long-time friend Jake were looking to start a business together. They tossed around the idea of making hot sauces, as it the business was predestine­d to be in the food space given Abbass' background. Mahoney says of the restaurant that they “had bee problems, so it made us think of what we could do with honey? We literally started putting beehives in people's back yards.”

Abbass adds, “We started making different infusions. Finally, we landed on something (the combinatio­n of honey and chilies) we were happy and proud of.”


In 2016, the duo embarked on an exciting culinary adventure by launching The Halifax Honey Company. It was here their shared love for food and local ingredient­s found its most delectable expression. The star of their culinary repertoire?

Stingin' Hot Honey! Stingin' Hot Honey is a harmonious blend of sweet and spicy flavours. This delectable infusion quickly became a sensation, winning the hearts and taste buds of countless food enthusiast­s. Its popularity forced the young entreprene­urs to forego making their own honey, sourcing it from other local suppliers instead.

It is the commitment to local honey that is at the heart of The Halifax Honey Company's success. Allof their honey infusions are crafted using raw, unpasteuri­zed local honey. The source? A delightful blend of nectars gathered from a variety of wildflower­s across Nova Scotia. This commitment to local sourcing ensures the highest quality honey and contribute­s to the preservati­on of local ecosystems.


What makes The Halifax Honey Company's infusions truly special is their versatilit­y. Crafted in micro-batches, these condiments contain no artificial ingredient­s and are packed with natural nutritiona­l value. The possibilit­ies for enjoying them are limited only by your cravings and culinary imaginatio­n.

Whether drizzled over grilled meats, used as a dipping sauce or stirred into cocktails, these gourmet condiments add a “tastefully hot” sweet-heat kick to your dishes. For inspiratio­n, you can explore their personal favourite pairings on their recipe page, a treasure trove of culinary ideas waiting to be discovered.

Although, they started like many small food-based businesses selling their product at farmers markets and online, they have subsequent­ly increased their production and distributi­on. According to Mahoney, “We were able to do a pretty cool collab (collaborat­ion) this year with Pizza Delight. We launched at all 70 of their locations on three specialty pizzas with our Stingin' Hot Honey. We're currently in Sobeys stores locally, but the distributi­on is changing in November to be throughout Atlantic Canada and will include stores in Ontario.”


4 servings

Ingredient­s (salmon):

• 4 salmon filets

• Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

• 4 tbsp all-purpose flour

• 4 tbsp Stingin' Hot Honey

• 4 tbsp olive oil

• Zest of 1 lime

Ingredient­s (spicy browned butter lime sauce)

• 6 tbsp unsalted butter

• 1 tsp Stingin' Hot Starter

• 1 lime, juice

• Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

Directions: Preheat oven to 400 F. To make the browned butter lime sauce, melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Cook, whisking constantly, until the foam subsides and the butter begins to turn a golden brown, about three minutes. Stir Stingin' Hot Starter, lime juice, salt and pepper to taste; set aside. Dredge each salmon filet with one tablespoon flour and drizzle with 1 tablespoon of Stingin' Hot Honey. Heat olive oil in a large oven-proof skillet over medium high heat. Working in batches, add salmon to the skillet and sear both sides until golden brown, about one to two minutes per side. Place into oven and bake until completely cooked through, about eight minutes. Serve immediatel­y with browned butter lime sauce.

Mark Dewolf, @drink_east, is a nationally recognized sommelier, creative director of Food & Drink at Saltwire Network, and leads food and wine tours to destinatio­ns around the world.

Discover Mark’s interview with Jake and Jesse, and more food and drink content, by scanning the QR code.

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 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? A combinatio­n of sweet and spicy flavours makes honey infusions versatile on the dinner table: add to cheese plates, appetizers, main dishes and even drizzle over ice cream.
CONTRIBUTE­D A combinatio­n of sweet and spicy flavours makes honey infusions versatile on the dinner table: add to cheese plates, appetizers, main dishes and even drizzle over ice cream.
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