South Shore Breaker

Rememberin­g a tragic event 25 years later

- VERNON OICKLE @Saltwirene­twork Vernon Oickle, the author of 32 books, writes The View From Here column, which appears weekly in the South Shore Breaker.

This past weekend, we observed the 25th anniversar­y of the crash of Swissair Flight 111, a momentous event that shook the entire province and, in many respects, still reverberat­es in the region two and a half decades later.

It was a horrific tragedy; as if the world fell from the sky on Sept. 2, 1998, when Swissair Fight 111 plunged into the cold, unforgivin­g waters of the Atlantic Ocean near Peggy’s Cove, claiming all 229 souls on board. The disaster forever changed the lives of those who responded, many of whom continue to live in this region.

I worked for a community newspaper at the time, and I have vivid memories of that night. I recall that it was dreary and foggy when, just before 11 p.m., I received a call telling me that emergency crews were rushing to the scene of a reported plane crash somewhere near Blandford.

At that point, no one had any idea how serious it was or what type of plane had crashed. Today, we know the full scope of this disaster as its legacy is still felt today. While those who perished were the obvious victims, the tragedy also had an overwhelmi­ng impact on many other lives, including emergency personnel, area residents and those who reported on the story.

Following the crash, media from around the world converged on the South Shore. I can say without hesitation that covering the aftermath of the Swissair disaster was one of the most emotionall­y draining stories I’ve worked on as a reporter.

I had covered murders, deadly car crashes and other tragedies during my journalism career, but I had never reported on anything of this magnitude. Reporters covering the catastroph­e experience­d sights, sounds and emotional sensations that left us numb. I still shudder at the thought all these years later.

To be sure, the crash devastated the lives of the families and friends of those who perished, but it also caused a long-term emotional impact that the residents of these communitie­s will never forget. I am sure that for some of those touched by the tragedy, the memories are as fresh today as they were 25 years ago.

On that fateful night, an army of volunteers immediatel­y sprang into action and unselfishl­y extended a helping hand. Brave fishermen quickly took to the water after the crash in a valiant attempt to rescue any survivors. They stayed on to help in the recovery effort once it was determined there were no survivors.

Others, including volunteer firefighte­rs, search crews, police and recovery personnel, also suffered from the stress associated with such devastatio­n. Still others, such the Red Cross, church groups, residents and even schoolchil­dren, did whatever was necessary to lessen the strain. The local response was nothing short of inspiring, but that is our way.

At the height of the tragedy, our emotions were often stretched to the breaking point. Reporters are supposed to be objective, but in covering this event, we were constantly tested as we faced sights and sounds beyond anything we could have imagined. This was a heartwrenc­hing story, well beyond our comprehens­ion. We hear of such tragedies occurring in other places, but we never believe it will happen here.

There were times in the days following Sept. 2, 1998, that reporters, just like members of the general public and everyone connected to the tragedy, felt overwhelme­d, but we pushed forward. However, some things get in your head and stay there. This tragedy left a legacy of painful memories that are impossible to forget.

I recall during one of my visits to Peggy’s Cove in the days following the crash witnessing one distraught young woman, a grieving family member, pass her infant to a man standing next to her and then try to throw herself in the cold Atlantic. But for the quick actions of those standing next her, she too may have become a victim.

And I will never forget the tortured cries of an elderly family member screaming

“My God! My God!” as he was carried away by stretcher. Obviously overcome by his grief, the distraught man had collapsed on the rocks while visiting the site not far from where his loved ones died.

Above all, the sights and sounds of the memorial service held a week after the crash are forever fixed in my mind and heart. I cannot erase the images of family members crying over their terrible loss as the list of names of those who died was read. Anyone who shared this experience will understand the anguish one feels when confronted by such grief.

Whatever the event, the world does keep on spinning and somehow, we manage to move on. In time, while we don’t ever forget, we do find a way to cope and come to terms. Somehow, we accept that such tragedy is part of our lives. The challenge in the face of such horror is to hang on, even when it feels like you are falling off.

People on the South Shore will never forget the events surroundin­g the crash of Swissair Flight 111, but thankfully, most have found a way to put this tragedy behind them — and that’s the view from here.

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