Sherbrooke Record

Toxoplasmo­sis a small risk in owning a cat

- By Eve Glazier, M.D., and Elizabeth Ko, M.D.

Dear Doctors: My fiance and I adopted a cat, and his mother is insisting that we must give it back. She says you can get toxoplasmo­sis from having a cat in the house, and if I get pregnant, I’ll give it to the baby. Is that really true? What is toxoplasmo­sis?

Dear Reader: Toxoplasmo­sis is a parasitic infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii. It’s a singlecell­ed organism found throughout the world. In healthy people, the immune system prevents the parasite from causing illness, or even many symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they include swollen glands, fever, skin rash and muscle aches.

Infection in people with weakened immune systems is more serious. It can lead to eye disease that can affect vision, lung infection that can interfere with breathing and inflammati­on of the brain. Known as encephalit­is, it can cause mental lapses and confusion, muscle weakness, poor coordinati­on and seizures.

Infection with Toxoplasma gondii can occur in a number of ways. The most common is by eating undercooke­d meat or shellfish that have been contaminat­ed with the parasite. Pork, lamb, venison, mussels, oysters and clams are the more frequent vectors. Not washing your hands thoroughly after handling contaminat­ed raw meat, using contaminat­ed utensils in food preparatio­n, and drinking or otherwise ingesting contaminat­ed water or other liquids can also spread the parasite.

When it comes to cats, your future mother-in-law is only partially correct. First and foremost, the cat itself must be infected with the parasite. When a cat does become infected, it sheds the eggs of the parasite for about 10 days after initial exposure. This is the period of highest risk. After that, there is no further significan­t shedding.

The presence of a cat in the house doesn’t automatica­lly mean you’ll contract toxoplasmo­sis. To become infected yourself, you must somehow ingest an infected cat’s feces while it is actively shedding parasite eggs. This is possible if you don’t wash your hands after cleaning a litter box, or accidental­ly ingest anything that met with infected cat feces. Toxoplasmo­sis is not transmitte­d through the skin.

Pregnant women who become infected have a small risk of passing the parasite along to their fetus. This can cause a range of physical problems for the baby, and in some cases can lead to premature birth. It is rare but possible for this type of infection to cause a miscarriag­e. If the mother becomes infected early in her pregnancy, it is less likely to spread to the baby. If infection does happen at that time, problems can be more severe.

A blood test can reveal whether a cat has antibodies to the parasite. Very high levels of antibodies indicate a current infection. When toxoplasmo­sis is suspected in a cat, it is usually treated with a course of antibiotic­s. Diagnosis in humans also focuses on the detection of antibodies. Treatment in humans is with an antiparasi­tic medication. If you are concerned about possible infection, you can arrange for tests for yourself, your fiance and your cat.

(Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA, is an internist and associate professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Elizabeth Ko, M.D., is an internist and assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health.)

(Send your questions to askthedoct­, or write: Ask the Doctors, c/o UCLA Health Sciences Media Relations, 10960 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1955, Los Angeles, CA, 90024. Owing to the volume of mail, personal replies cannot be provided.)

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