Sherbrooke Record

New committee says no to housing discrimina­tion

- BCN Staff

With moving season around the corner, le Comité de défense des droits des locataires, with the support of the Table logement Bromemissi­squoi, is starting a new campaign to raise awareness in Brome-missisquoi about the discrimina­tion that tenants continue to face, and recommend possible remedies.

According to a press release, the committee is made up of eight local organizati­ons, such as ACEF montérégie­est, Action Plus Brome-missisquoi, Cellule Jeunes et Familles de Brome-missisquoi, Centre de femmes des cantons, and Entrée chez soi, and the campaign, titled Un toit sans discrimina­tion, is meant to educate the population on the different forms of discrimina­tion that people continue to face in the housing market.

In Quebec, under the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, tenants are protected from discrimina­tion. Discrimina­tion in housing is prohibited under law.

“Landlords cannot refuse to rent accommodat­ion to a tenant based on certain criteria such as their physical, social or family condition. Too many landlords ignore it and choose their tenants however they want. It’s discrimina­tion. These situations are illegal and we must denounce them,” stated Cédric Champagne, Developmen­t Officer for the organizati­on Entrée chez soi Bromemissi­squoi.

The organizati­ons that are members of the committee want situations of tenant discrimina­tion to be denounced loud and clear by all the witnesses.

“The Human Rights Commission

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