Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Crash survivor chronicles his life in new book, Crossroads

Former Humboldt Bronco Dahlgren hopes to help others at the Crossroads


Humboldt Broncos bus crash survivor Kaleb Dahlgren is about to become a published author.

Dahlgren, who suffered severe brain trauma in the crash and continues to recover, has written a book entitled Crossroads.

It deals with the accident, its aftermath, the people involved, and his life with diabetes. He'll donate a portion of proceeds to STARS air ambulance, which provided assistance on April 6, 2018, when the Broncos bus collided with a semi at a rural intersecti­on.

The crash killed 16 people on the bus and injured 13 more.

Dahlgren said in a Tuesday Instagram post that his book — published by Harpercoll­ins — “chronicles my life from childhood up to the end of summer 2019.”

“There are many different themes throughout the book and several things that only a few know about me! Writing this memoir was challengin­g, emotional, cathartic, and enlighteni­ng. I was able to reflect on all the various crossroads in my life, the people who helped me navigate them, and those who have shaped me into the person I am today.”

Prior to the crash, Dahlgren had requested a trade from the Notre Dame Hounds so he could start a program called Dahlgren's Diabeautie­s in a bigger centre. It was aimed at helping children with Type 1 diabetes. He began that program in Humboldt, and continues with it to this day while studying at York University.

Dahlgren wrote that he hopes the book, which launches March 16, “helps someone when they face crossroads in their own life.”

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