Saskatoon StarPhoenix



As far as Christmas controvers­ies go, fruitcake is often at the centre of much debate.

Team Fruitcake enjoys a good mixed peel when it sees one, and the more raisins and currants, the merrier. It's for these particular ingredient­s that Team No Fruitcake dislikes the traditiona­l Christmas cake. I've been firmly planted on this team (it's the fake green cherries that always do me in), but I have made it my mission this holiday season to create a fruitcake that everyone will enjoy.

The secret? No mixed peel! No fake cherries! Instead, I've used dried tart cherries and figs. They both add a lovely flavour and, yes, while the dried fruit is soaked in whisky for a few hours, this fruitcake isn't over-the-top boozy. If you want more booze action, reduce the amount of boiling water and add more whisky.

Nuts are necessary to any good fruitcake and I added toasted almonds here, but pecans or walnuts would also be excellent. Chunks of dark chocolate may not be in your grandma's fruitcake, but they are in mine. I love biting into a bit of chocolate and a bit of fruit.

Glory be, this is good fruitcake! Rich and posh ( but not too posh), it can be served as a centrepiec­e dessert after the holiday feast, or slices can be served with afternoon tea. Dessert for breakfast is definitely a thing in December, so keep in mind that a wedge of fruitcake and a cup of coffee go together like Bing Crosby and White Christmas.

A few notes about the recipe: Be sure to use a 10-inch springform pan. You may look at your nine-inch and think you can cram all the batter in, but you're wrong. If you try to bake this cake in a smaller pan, I guarantee that there will be fruitcake overflowin­g onto the bottom of the oven, the smoke alarm will go off and the bit of Christmas spirit you had will go up in smoke. If you don't own a 10-inch pan, borrow one or check second-hand stores.

And, about the booze: I used Canadian Club whisky, but if you have a bit of brandy about — or want to use up that bottle of Amaretto your aunt gave you — by all means, add it to the fruit. And have a little sip for yourself. It is the holidays, after all.

Glory be, this is good fruitcake! Rich and posh (but not too posh), it can be served as a centrepiec­e dessert after the holiday feast, or slices can be served with afternoon tea.

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