Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Parents face charges of child neglect


REGINA Two people, described in court documents as the parents, are accused of neglecting their two young children for close to a year-and-a-half.

The pair made first appearance­s at Regina provincial court on Friday morning, each accused of one count of criminal negligence causing bodily harm in relation to a young boy and two counts of failing to provide the necessarie­s of life to the same boy and to the boy’s older sister.

The two accused cannot be named to protect the identities of the children.

According to the charges, the alleged offences occurred between Dec. 30, 2016, and May 21, 2018. The man is also facing two charges alleging he breached probation.

The man, aged 24, appeared in custody, while the 27-year-old woman, who had been released by police, sat in the body of the courtroom.

The man exchanged a brief glance with the woman as he was led out of the prisoner’s box at the end of his appearance. The Crown opposed his release from custody.

The man is back in court on March 6, and the woman on March 19.

Regina Police Service spokesman Les Parker said police attended a Regina home in May 2018 alongside Mobile Crisis after a report of an injured child came in.

Parker said officers and mobile crisis workers became concerned by the physical condition of the children. A girl then aged six and a boy then aged 16 months were apprehende­d at that point.

Police launched an investigat­ion which, on Thursday, resulted in the parents being charged.

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