Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Overdoing it can lead to injuries, illness

Poor alignment of the hips may be top predictor of problemati­c mechanics


Shorten your stride. Take your shoes off. Put your shoes on. Lean forward. Straighten up.

If you’re a runner, you’ve probably received all this advice and more, all in the name of keeping injuries at bay. Yet despite the number of tips on how to avoid injury, runners continue to get hurt. Statistics suggest that up to 80 per cent of runners will experience an injury at least once — a number most will tell you is on the low side.

Overuse is often cited as the primary cause, but it’s not unusual to experience pain despite no sudden increase in mileage or frequency, and despite no history of long, gruelling runs. For those runners, faulty mechanics is often suggested as the root of the problem.

Hence the increasing­ly popular idea that runners need to pay more attention to how they run, as opposed to how often they run.

First, let’s be clear: When it comes to running technique, sprinters don’t look like distance runners. And since most recreation­al runners train at distances of 5 km and more, we’ll keep the focus to distance runners, each of whom has their own particular signature. I may not know all the runners who cruise the local streets by name, but I can spot them from blocks away by their running style.

According to certified athletic therapist Peter Levidis, how you run is very much a function of your past and present.

Range of motion, prior injury, footwear, posture, muscular strengths and weaknesses all affect your running mechanics. What we don’t know for sure is which movement patterns, if any, are more likely to cause injury.

A research team from the U.K. tackled the problem, studying a group of runners, 72 of whom were injured (28 male, 44 female) and 36 of whom were healthy (15 male, 21 female). Recruited through running clubs and sports injury clinics, they represente­d the regular Joes and Jills you see running through your neighbourh­ood. The healthy ones were similar in profile to the injured ones, but had a history of running a minimum of 48 kilometres per week for the past 18 months with no reported injury.

Identifyin­g the most common types of injuries, the researcher­s subdivided the runners into groups based on non-specific knee pain, iliotibial band syndrome, Achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, stress fractures and muscle strains. Then they put the study subjects on a treadmill and used a variety of cameras and electrodes to map their running patterns.

Not surprising­ly, the injured runners had some identical traits: a more straight-legged heel-first landing pattern, a greater degree of forward trunk lean during mid-stride, and an asymmetric­al shift in the alignment of the hips (a lowering of one hip toward the body’s midline). The latter was identified by the researcher­s “as the most important predictor variable when classifyin­g runners as healthy or injured.”

So strong was the associatio­n between poorly aligned hips and injury, it was evident in runners with every type of injury.

Given the informatio­n gained from the study, the researcher­s not only consider the faulty movement mechanics as significan­tly contributi­ng to running injuries, they also say together the mechanics represent “a pathologic­al running gait.”

What does that mean for runners struggling to come back from an injury, or for those who want to stay injury free?

The first thing you need to do is identify whether you exhibit any of the mechanics identified by the researcher­s as being associated with increased risk of injury. That means having your stride evaluated by a trained profession­al.

Levidis gets his runners on the treadmill so he can evaluate them in action, using slowmotion video to capture what he can’t see in real time.

Once he spots the problems, he can address them by shoring up any muscular weaknesses or imbalances, as well as offering cues to modify faulty mechanics.

While runners should seek expertise from a profession­al who has experience in evaluating running mechanics, here are a few easy tips that can be followed right away.

A long, loping stride typically results in the straight-legged heel-first landing pattern the researcher­s suggest leads to injury. Concentrat­e on shortening your stride, keeping your feet underneath you instead of reaching your foot ahead of your hips with every stride.

Keep your upper body tall. Any forward lean should be initiated from the ankles, not the hips. Visualize running with something balanced on your head instead of leading with your forehead.

As for misaligned hips, that usually requires the help of a skilled profession­al to diagnose and fix the problem, which is often related to weak hip stabilizer­s.

That said, ask a fellow runner to watch you run head-on, paying special attention to any lateral movement of the knee as the foot travels from first strike to midstride.

If they spot anything, find a qualified profession­al who evaluates runners in action, to help improve your mechanics. Your body will thank you.

Range of motion, prior injury, footwear, posture, muscular strengths and weaknesses all affect your running mechanics.

 ?? PIERRE OBENDRAUF ?? A group of U.K. researcher­s identified “a pathologic­al running gait” that is likely to contribute to injuries.
PIERRE OBENDRAUF A group of U.K. researcher­s identified “a pathologic­al running gait” that is likely to contribute to injuries.
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