Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Moe’s fight for equalizati­on equity rings false

Premier needs to fix the program, not blame others, writes Ryan Meili


This month kicked off with Canada Day, a celebratio­n of a vast, improbable nation held together despite — or perhaps because — of its difference­s. One perennial difference is around the practice of equalizati­on. At its heart, equalizati­on is about fairness, about ensuring that all Canadians can expect decent public services, whether they live in a “have” or a “have not” province. It’s an important program, but there are real flaws in how the payments are calculated, and we should have the opportunit­y to have that conversati­on rather than having the current formula extended with no discussion.

Many have pointed out how hydroelect­ric power in Quebec and Manitoba keeps their energy prices low, meaning their natural wealth skews the formula and keeps them receiving payments. Saskatchew­an has challenged the current framework before, with then-premier Lorne Calvert arguing that it penalized provinces that depend on revenue from non-renewable resources. He even had the support of Brad Wall in that fight, though that support disappeare­d when Stephen Harper asked him to back off.

Now that it’s politicall­y convenient again, Premier Scott Moe has waded back into the equalizati­on debate with a proposal for a new formula. But instead of fixing what is unfair about the current program, it simply cuts it in half, keeping the same unfair distributi­on and adding a new transfer payment that goes to all provinces, based on population rather than need.

Worse, and stranger, than the shortcomin­gs of his proposal was Moe’s decision to highlight his own government’s momentous failures in child care and university tuition, which seemed to be an attempt to shame other provinces by comparing costs for these services.

Saskatchew­an was a “have” province when the Sask. Party took power, and during the ensuing decade of unpreceden­ted revenues, Moe’s party allowed tuition to skyrocket and made no meaningful investment­s in child care. A recent study shows that Saskatoon has the worst access to child care of any Canadian city, with 100 per cent of children living in what’s called a “child care desert” with less than one child care space for every three children. Regina is not far behind, with 67 per cent of children living in child care deserts.

Governing is about choices, and Moe’s party has stubbornly avoided upstream investment­s in things like child care and advanced education that improve our lives and grow our economy. They have chosen instead to sink billions into expensive megaprojec­ts like carbon capture, the Global Transporta­tion Hub and the Regina bypass. After a decade of record revenues, we’re left with record debt, a record of missed opportunit­ies, and a government determined to blame everyone but themselves.

In this context, it’s worth noting that Moe has chosen to highlight the budget choices of one province in particular, and in doing so, stoke divisions within the country. Equalizati­on is meant to be a nation-building project. Moe’s decision to single out one province is part of a pattern where his government seeks to distract from the real problems faced by Saskatchew­an people, problems of unemployme­nt in a slowing economy, problems of persistent poverty, problems in accessing quality education and health care. He seems to think that by pointing the finger at Ottawa or at other provinces, he can avoid being held accountabl­e for his government’s record.

The greatest irony in this is the idea of Moe and the Sask. Party presenting themselves as champions of fairness. The past decade has been characteri­zed by growing inequality in our province. For every dollar the incomes of the lowest 20 per cent of earners increased in that time, the highest 20 per cent saw their incomes increase by $7. Social assistance caseloads continue to grow, while the benefits available to people in poverty are continuall­y eroded. No serious action is being taken to close the gap in education, health and justice between Indigenous and non-indigenous people. If Premier Moe has suddenly discovered the virtue of fairness, there is no shortage of things he can do here in Saskatchew­an to take action.

Equalizati­on is an insurance policy. Like all insurance policies, you hope never to have to collect, but you want the support to be there. Saskatchew­an has benefitted from equalizati­on, and while we have everything we need to be a “have” province, the way our economy is going under Moe, we may find ourselves needing that support again.

Those who would argue that the current equalizati­on formula is unfair have a strong case, but Moe’s plan does nothing to address that unfairness. His ham-fisted half measure, his baiting of interprovi­ncial resentment, and his government’s dismal record when it comes to investment­s in fairness make Moe a poor choice to chart the course to a better deal for Saskatchew­an.

Ryan Meili is the leader of the Saskatchew­an NDP.

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