Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Stroman blasts new deal with Jays

Pitcher loses arbitratio­n case

- STEVE BUFFERY twitter @Beezersun

Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Marcus Stroman was bringing the heat Thursday afternoon. First on the mound. And then on social media.

One thing is clear: the StroShow is going to be very interestin­g this season.

An hour or so after he threw off the mound at the Bobby Mattick Training Center — where he looked to be in fine form — Stroman took to Twitter and expressed his profound disappoint­ment over losing his arbitratio­n hearing, ironically while lauding his “thick skin.”

Stroman reportedly asked for a raise from $3.4 million to $6.9 million, while the Jays argued he should be paid $6.5 million and that’s what he was ultimately awarded. Stroman tweeted: “Lost arbitratio­n. Is what it is. Looking forward to going out and dealing again. The negative things that were said against me, by my own team, will never leave my mind. I’m thickskinn­ed so it will only fuel the fire. Can’t wait for this year!”

Arbitratio­n is part of the business and Stroman, who went 13-9 with a 3.09 ERA in 33 starts last season, isn’t the first ballplayer to go through it and lose. In fact, he won his arbitratio­n case with the Jays last year, filing for $3.4 million and getting it. Usually players are more measured in their response to losing in arbitratio­n. However, the emotional Stroman was clearly annoyed by the process this year.

The 26-year-old righthande­r has establishe­d himself as an elite pitcher in the majors with a heady arsenal of pitches and a funky delivery that throws hitters off to the point that some react with anger and frustratio­n. It’s a tactic aimed at throwing off a hitter’s timing.

Stroman is also known for flying off the handle at times over umpires’ calls or hitters’ reactions. He’s also outspoken off the field, not shy to express his displeasur­e over a broadcaste­r’s call or a writer’s column. He has blocked a number of Toronto writers on Twitter.

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Marcus Stroman
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