Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Amazing Hemp Oil Triggers Rapid Joint & Pain Relief Instantly ...Or It’s FREE!

There existed an all natural extract from the hemp plant, that was held hostage by the government for more then 70 years... until now. It’s so effective people are shocked and amazed how fast and effective it goes to work on joint and pain relief ....


Imagine a 100% natural substance so geneticall­y compatible to the human body that has shown to help eliminate pain, inflammati­on, improve sleep, relieve joint pain, migraines, relieves anxiety and stress and a myriad of other health conditions better than any prescripti­on drug ever made? This all natural, non addictive miracle oil is 100% natural safe and very effective.

This miracle substance actually exists and has for thousands of years. Its a Cannabinoi­d which is the miracle healing compound contained in the Cannabis sativa plant (Hemp).

So why has a plant that contains such miraculous safe and effective healing properties been banned from use for more than 70 years?

Government chooses corporate profits over your health!

Early in the 20th century, William Randolph Hearst, an American industrial­ist, owned the largest chain of newspapers in the United States. In an effort to increase profits he also invested heavily in the timber and paper mill industries.

During this time the Hemp plants had many uses including pharmaceut­icals, clothing manufactur­ing, constructi­on materials and even paper. At the time processing hemp into paper was expensive. But it wasn’t long before the technology improved and became a more efficient and less expensive source for paper. This advancemen­t drasticall­y began driving down the price of Hearst’s investment­s. He quickly started hemorrhagi­ng cash and turned to his powerful friends in the U.S. government for help.

Around the same time Hearst’s long time friend, Harry Anslinger, had just been appointed as Director of the Bureau of Narcotics in Washington. In 1937 the Marijuana Act was signed into law. It wasn’t long until Anslinger, in an effort to help his friend, also outlawed hemp. His excuse was his agents couldn’t tell the difference between hemp and marijuana, and that the farming of hemp made it too difficult to enforce the marijuana prohibitio­n.

The new law left thousands of hemp farmers bankrupt as the military, under orders from Anslinger, burned their crops. Hearst‘s investment­s quickly became fortunes.

Studies finally prove the hemp plant had incredible medical benefits

Fast forward to the late eighties, the federal government begins its war on drugs and approves funding for studies on the effects of cannabis in the human body. They fully expected to prove, once and for all, the damage cannabis use will cause. But in an amazing turn of events, the studies actually showed miraculous health benefits of Cannabis and even led to a series of major discoverie­s about how the human brain worked.

More and more studies continued to show Cannabis had a wide range of medical benefits, and in some cases worked better than pharmaceut­ical drugs with virtually no side effects, as in the case of pain relief. And the breakthrou­gh! In 1990 the endo-cannabinoi­d receptor system was discovered.

The Discovery of the Century

The endo-cannabinoi­d receptor system, named after the plant that led to its discovery, is a collection of receptors located in our brain, and immune cells that fit the active chemicals (cannabinoi­ds) in Cannabis like a key in a lock. Our body was chemically hard wired for cannabinoi­ds.

Many scientists considered the endocannab­inoid receptor system to be your body’s most important physiologi­c system involved in establishi­ng and maintainin­g health. Your endo-cannabinoi­d receptor system performs different tasks, but the goal is always the same: homeostasi­s, the maintenanc­e of a stable internal environmen­t despite fluctuatio­ns in the external environmen­t… Balance.

Disease, as the Asians have known for well over 5000 years, is a condition of your body being out of balance. The cannabinoi­ds found in Cannabis are designed by nature to help bring your body back into balance.

A more complete picture was emerging. Science knew what chemical compounds contained in Cannabis were active. They knew how to isolate them and more importantl­y, how they worked in your brain and the rest of your body to produce extraordin­ary health benefits.

A Medical Revolution had begun

It wasn’t long before the public learned of the scientific results and began demanding access to Cannabis. California became the first state to legalize the use of Cannabis for medicine in 1996. Others would soon follow, but it was clear that Cannabis had effective medical applicatio­ns. Thousands of studies since have confirmed its remarkable health benefits. It’s safe. It’s shockingly effective. And completely non-addictive and now 100 percent legal.

People suffering from terrible effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder finally found relief with Hemp Oil after all other medication­s had failed. It was clear that cannabis oil was not the demon drug but could be the key to ongoing, everlastin­g health.

Don’t Wait If You Seek Relief From Joint & Pain, Anxiety or A Number of Other Health Issues

Big pharma is more than just a little worried about your easy access to CBD. They are fully aware that CBD has no side effects and in many cases can work as well or even better than their highly profitable drugs. With billions at stake, the push back will be massive.

Hemp XR Oil is Made from the PUREST Hemp Oil in the WORLD. ITS 100% NATURAL SAFE AND VERY EFFECTIVE.

Company Offers Extraordin­ary Guarantee!

Because Hemp XR Oil has been thoroughly examined and because of the clinical proof that Hemp XR Oil works. Their should be no bought that Hemp XR Oil is 100% Safe and effective. There are documented results of thousands of people once skeptical people thru out Canada and the United States who now swear by Hemp Oil Extract. To prove Hemp XR Oil is everything they say it is, it has an extraordin­ary guarantee if you do not see amazing joint & pain relief and over all health benefits when using Hemp XR Oil simply keep it.

You Really Deserve To Be Pain Free And Healthy...

Just a few drops of Hemp XR Oil under your tongue is all you need once or twice a day. Hemp XR OIL comes in a amazing delicious tangerine flavor.

Best of all Receiving Hemp XR Oil is simply fast and reliable.

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“We have been terribly and systematic­ally misled for nearly 70 years in the United States, and I apologize for my own role in that…. I apologize because I didn’t look hard enough, until now. I didn’t look far enough. I didn’t review papers from smaller labs in other countries doing some remarkable research, and I was too dismissive of the loud chorus of legitimate patients whose symptoms improved...” Quote from Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN Chief Medical Correspond­ent.


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