Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Family seeks inquest into crash death of son

Drunk driver sentenced to six years, but victim’s dad says that’s too light


Two years after a drunk driver in a stolen truck killed J.P. Haughey, his parents are still reeling.

The driver and a young offender who was in the passenger seat of the truck were sentenced last June for their roles in the deadly crash, but it was cold comfort for Haughey’s parents.

“Until you are actually a victim yourself, you have no idea. You think the justice system is in place to protect citizens, and it doesn’t,” Haughey’s father Alex said in an interview on Monday.

He’s angry at the justice system. He’s angry about what he considers a light sentence of six years in prison that a judge handed down in his son’s case.

Nearly two years after the deadly crash, he is calling for a coroner’s inquest into his son’s death, hoping further review will unearth the injustices he sees in the entire system.

“My main goal is I want to stop this happening. I want to balance the scales of justice. I don’t want anyone to suffer like we are suffering,” Haughey said.

The family feels a coroner’s inquest may be a way to prompt changes in the justice system, but getting the Chief Coroner to approve an inquest will not be easy.

An inquest is mandatory whenever a person dies in custody in Saskatchew­an — in a police cell, a jail or a prison, for example.

Under certain circumstan­ces the Chief Coroner may decide that an unnatural death outside of custody warrants an inquest. According to provincial legislatio­n, an inquest is held to determine the identity of the deceased, inform the public of the circumstan­ces surroundin­g a death, to make dangerous practices or conditions known in order to prevent further deaths, or to educate the public about a dangerous practice in order to avoid preventabl­e deaths.

It’s not clear that the Haugheys’ case fits in any of those categories. Still, the family is fighting, hoping that a wholesale review of the justice system would bring some measure of peace and closure.

“That is our only child that they took away. That kills me every day. I can’t find closure,” said Marilou Haughey, J.P’s mother.

Cheyann Crystal Peeteetuce was sentenced last June to six years in prison for killing J.P. Haughey and Sarah Wensley on May 5, 2014.

Peeteetuce was driving a stolen truck at the time. Moments after a Saskatoon police officer activated his siren, she sped away, running a stop sign and ultimately smashing into a car carrying three high school students on their way to track and field practice.

Haughey and Wensley, both 17, died instantly. A 16-year-old girl who was sitting in the back seat of the car survived, but was seriously injured.

Peeteetuce’s blood alcohol level at the time of the crash was between .14 and .17, about twice the legal driving limit. The speed of the stolen truck was estimated to be at least 90 kilometres per hour.

Her 17-year-old passenger, whose identity is protected under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, pleaded guilty to being a party to dangerous driving and evading police causing death. She received the maximum youth sentence of three years.

 ?? LIAM RICHARDS ?? Marilou and Alex Haughey, at their home along with pictures and the ashes of their deceased son J.P., are calling for a coroner’s inquest into his death in a collision caused by a drunk driver.
LIAM RICHARDS Marilou and Alex Haughey, at their home along with pictures and the ashes of their deceased son J.P., are calling for a coroner’s inquest into his death in a collision caused by a drunk driver.

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