Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Duffy trial takes a Wright turn


The trial of suspended Sen. Mike Duffy returns Wednesday after a two-month hiatus. Here’s a quick rundown of what you can expect between now and the next scheduled adjournmen­t on Aug. 28:

What we know:

At some point this week, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s former chief of staff, Nigel Wright, will likely break his silence on the circumstan­ces surroundin­g that now-notorious $90,000 payment. The Crown alleges that Duffy believed it was hush money to ensure he would comply with the PMO-plotted strategy to minimize the damage flowing from his expense issues.

Wright will respond to what will presumably be a carefully crafted sequence of questions from the Crown — most likely lead attorney Mark Holmes, who has a deceptivel­y simple, but not easy, task before him: make the case that, while Wright’s intention may have been above reproach (or, at least, below the threshold for criminal charges), Duffy’s perception of the transfer transforme­d it into a bribe.

Depending on how deeply the Crown intends to delve into the inner workings of the highest office in the land, that could last anywhere from a few hours to several days.

Once it wraps up, Duffy’s defence counsel, Donald Bayne, will get his chance to cross-examine Wright — a process that, like the preliminar­y round, could last anywhere from hours to days, although most trial-watchers are expecting it to go as least as long as the initial questionin­g, which will likely keep Wright in the spotlight until next week.

As has been the case throughout the trial, Bayne’s primary goal will be to shift the focus from the alleged actions of his client to those of the people around him. In this case, that means Wright and the coterie of PMO staffers involved in devising the government’s initial response to the controvers­y.

Bayne will want to get Wright to say that he did, in fact, initially assure Duffy that he “appeared to be in compliance” with the existing residency rules — and he’ll almost certainly ask just what Wright meant in a subsequent email in which he advised his colleagues that they were “good to go from the PM.”

That is, unless Bayne decides that the damage Wright’s testimony could do to his client would far outweigh any potential gains, and dismisses Wright after a perfunctor­y back-and-forth — or even declines to question him at all.

What’s next:

After Wright is excused, the only name left on the Crown wish list is Gerald Donohue, Duffy’s longtime crony and fellow ex-CTV staffer, who received thousands of dollars in contracts from Duffy’s office, which the Crown claims served as an off-the-books reserve fund to pay for services that Duffy allegedly didn’t want to process through Senate administra­tion.

Throughout the earlier proceeding­s, the state of Donohue’s health was a continuing concern for both the Crown and the defence, as he appeared to be too sick even to testify by video. As yet, it’s not known if that situation has changed, but it’s fair to say that his testimony could be pivotal.

If the Crown rests before Aug. 28 (when this phase of the trial is set to adjourn until later this fall), it will fall to Bayne to decide whether to start making his case — which could, in theory, involve calling his client to the stand.

He may, however, prefer to wait until proceeding­s resume in mid-November.

First things first:

Before Wright can take his seat in the witness box, however, the judge is expected to hand down his decisions on the admissibil­ity of two potentiall­y critical documents:

■ A 2013 review of senatorial residency status that was conducted by a staffer at the behest of a closeddoor Senate committee, which Duffy’s legal team believes will demonstrat­e that the rules on expense claims were unclear, but which upper house lawyers have argued should be protected by parliament­ary privilege.

■ Forensic accountant Mark Grenon’s exhaustive analysis of Duffy’s personal finances, which the defence has challenged over concerns that it is both irrelevant and potentiall­y prejudicia­l.

Depending on how he rules, either the Crown or the defence could ask the judge to pause the proceeding­s — for a few minutes, or the rest of the day — as it could trigger a rejigging of the witness schedule.

If the judge admits the residency audit, Senate finance clerk Nicole Proulx — who first appeared in April, and has been in limbo ever since — could finally be recalled in order to allow Bayne to complete his crossexami­nation, which was put on hold due to the evidentiar­y dispute.

 ?? SEAN KILPATRICK / The Canadian Press ?? Suspended Sen. Mike Duffy arrives at the courthouse for his trial in Ottawa on April 20. Hearings resume Wednesday.
SEAN KILPATRICK / The Canadian Press Suspended Sen. Mike Duffy arrives at the courthouse for his trial in Ottawa on April 20. Hearings resume Wednesday.

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