Saskatoon StarPhoenix



Mel Henry, who is running for re-election as reeve of Corman Park, has stated publicly that his priority is to bring about the demise of the RM and create a new municipali­ty west and north of the river.

He feels he has no conflict of interest in this matter. I equate this to a Quebec separatist running to be prime minister with the main objective of dismantlin­g Canada, with all its financial and political ramificati­ons.

As reeve, Henry had numerous harassment complaints lodged by various RM employees, which has resulted in a high turnover of staff at the municipal office and many legal bills.

He instigated the removal of the RM administra­tor. The Ministry of Labour ruled there was no basis for her dismissal and ordered her reinstatem­ent with back pay for 14 months. Other employees will probably follow suit. As a result of the actions of the reeve and councillor­s who supported him, the RM could be looking at highly expensive legal costs and settlement­s.

Henry also cancelled the independen­t panel looking at the inequity in electoral divisions, and worked against those who wanted electoral reform to ensure a more equitable election process. Once he lost that battle, he set out on a campaign to dismantle Corman Park. I hope RM voters will give Henry exactly what he deserves on Oct. 24 — the opportunit­y to look for a new job. Bob Russell Riverside Estates

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