Regina Leader-Post

Crew to search near former Lac La Ronge school

- Warning: Details in this story may be upsetting to readers. NICK PEARCE

Lac La Ronge Indian Band members are preparing to unearth the truth of the former Lac La Ronge Indian Residentia­l School's possible unmarked graves.

Chief Tammy Cook-searson said she expects several band members to attend this weekend's ground-penetratin­g radar search of a La Ronge cemetery associated with the school.

“From there we'll see how much more work needs to be done,” Cook-searson said.

An Elder from the community has been clearing overgrowth from the site, preparing the way for Snc-lavalin workers to search the area on Saturday and Sunday, she said.

A four-day sacred fire will be lit, followed by a ceremony and the blessing of search equipment on Friday. The searches are expected to take place from Saturday to Sunday, with Elders and support teams on site for those attending, according to the agenda of the proceeding­s.

The Lac La Ronge Indian Residentia­l School ran from 1907 to 1947 under the management of the Anglican Church of Canada.

In 1920, the school burned down but was rebuilt with defective chimneys, green lumber and poor upkeep that made the building a hazard with no fire escapes, according to Shattering the Silence, a report by the University of Regina's faculty of education.

A 1925 inspection called the school's waste disposal “bad and very unhealthy” and noted it was “overflowin­g and lying on the surface of the ground evaporatin­g, and when the wind (blew) from the east the smell from this quarter (was) awful.”

In 1937, a fatal outbreak of tuberculos­is at the school led a visiting Indian Agent and doctor to call for separate accommodat­ions for children with the disease, who were sleeping with uninfected peers. Overcrowdi­ng and poor diets were also common in the school's dormitorie­s and classrooms.

“Children to have better food. At present they only receive Irish Bread and lard, oatmeal in the mornings and a little peanut butter once a week,” the 1937 report in Shattering the Silence reads.

The University of Regina research says two boys set the fire that ultimately destroyed the school in 1947. The principal at the time called it the end of a “fire trap.”

Attempts to rebuild the school failed, and the children were moved to a former military complex near Prince Albert, according to the research.

Cook-searson said her grandparen­ts attended the school in La Ronge. After it was destroyed, she and her parents went to a residentia­l school in Prince Albert.

This weekend's search of the school site follows similar work in Delmas, where survivors and families watched Snc-lavalin probe the former school grounds earlier this month.

As she embarks on that process, Cook- Searson said Chief Cadmus Delorme of Cowessess First Nation, where 751 unmarked graves were found, has spoken with her about the process.

“It will impact people,” she said. “And it has.”

Resources are available for survivors and those seeking emotional support in the wake of recent events. The 24-hour Indian Residentia­l School Crisis Line is 1-866-925-4419.

 ?? LIAM RICHARDS ?? Lac La Ronge Indian Band Chief Tammy Cook-searson says this weekend's search of residentia­l school grounds will be impactful.
LIAM RICHARDS Lac La Ronge Indian Band Chief Tammy Cook-searson says this weekend's search of residentia­l school grounds will be impactful.

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