Regina Leader-Post

Neighbours with very different Indigenous policy


The reaction to the cancellati­on of the Keystone XL pipeline reflects the difference­s in Indigenous policy in the United States and Canada.

In Canada, treaty and Aboriginal rights are included in the Constituti­on; in the United States, there is no mention. Canadian treaties were negotiated and conducted in a formal manner, recognizin­g the honour of the Crown. In the U.S., treaties were signed at the barrel of a gun and basically ignored.

In Canada, the treaties have received legal status through constituti­onal recognitio­n. First Nations peoples have always maintained this fact, but it took inclusion in the Constituti­on for the courts to give our treaties legal weight.

Therefore, the cancellati­on of the Keystone XL pipeline was met with a different response on either side of the medicine line. In the U.S., both the leadership and the people they serve were ecstatic. There were few, if any, voices of support for the pipeline. In the U.S., the Indigenous people have been shoved aside and have no claim to the wealth of the natural resources.

In Canada, our treaties give us the right to be involved in resource developmen­t. When the treaties were negotiated, the conversati­on centred around use of the land for agricultur­e. The treaty negotiator­s also stressed that they wanted to share the land with the First Nations.

Now, resource developmen­t in Canada must proceed with consultati­on and the involvemen­t of the First Nations. Natural Law Energy, a totally owned Indigenous corporatio­n, was set to take on an equity stake in the ownership of the pipeline.

Natural Law Energy was originally developed by five First Nations, including the Nekaneet First Nation in Saskatchew­an and the Ermineskin Cree Nation, Montana First Nation, Louis Bull Tribe and Saddle Lake Cree Nation in Alberta.

The Alberta government granted TC Energy a loan guarantee for more than a billion dollars and constructi­on on the Canadian side has been underway for some time now.

The pipeline wasn't without opposition in Canada, and while some of the leadership were on side, the general Indigenous population was largely opposed to the environmen­tal impact.

On the other side of the line there was no Indigenous involvemen­t, and although the Trump administra­tion granted a permit to build the pipeline, constructi­on was mired in the courts and little or no constructi­on proceeded.

The Indigenous community was united in opposition to the pipeline; the environmen­tal cost was too high and there was no economic advantage.

The confrontat­ion at Standing Rock and the opposition to the Dakota access pipeline were a good indication of the Native American response to pipeline constructi­on. Plus, politics in the U.S. has changed. It was the Native American vote that made the difference in turning Arizona to the Democrats. Biden had made it clear that he would follow a climate change agenda and the pipeline was on the chopping block.

This pipeline was designed to transport oil from the Athabasca tarsands and the Bakan to refineries on the Gulf Coast. Now the economic viability of the tarsands is questionab­le and oil companies are writing off tarsands assets right and left. An oil price of $50 a barrel is not viable for heavy crude or synthetic crude like what is produced in the tarsands.

Instead of reading the writing on the wall, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney went full ahead and saw that the Canadian leg of the pipeline was built. Now it's another tarsand-stranded asset.

The total sale of Canadian oil to the U.S. is 3.8 million barrels per day. The Keystone XL pipeline would provide an increase of volume of 830 million barrels for a diminishin­g demand.

There is much more economical­ly viable light oil in the Middle East and Venezuela. Canada might be third in oil reserves worldwide, but it is a false comparison since it's locked in sand and difficult to extract.

The future emphasis is now on electric vehicles. Both Ford and GM are planning electric car plants in Canada and by the end of this decade the demand for oil will have declined significan­tly. The internal combustion engine will be remembered fondly, like the old steam locomotive­s — nostalgic and romantic but a terrible polluter and inefficien­t.

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