Regina Leader-Post


- By Holiday

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 Full Moon, Sun Change

Get in step! The cosmic marching band strikes up in exuberant solidarity with the passage of the sun from Scorpio to Sagittariu­s, and the full moon beats out like the big bass drum of Purdue. On this sort of day, everyone wins just by being there, sometimes in the game, sometime in the crowd. Wherever feels comfortabl­e, just join!

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Enjoyment and gratitude go hand in hand. Seeing someone truly enjoy a thing can be far more meaningful and satisfying than taking part in the formalitie­s around saying “thank you.”

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You have mantras whether you know it or not. Distract yourself from repeating unhelpful thoughts by consciousl­y feeding yourself something better. This seeds an all-around joyful -- and infectious! -- attitude.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You have heard the call of a certain dream, but you’re just not sure how to answer it. One way to give credence to your dreams is to share them. The smallest passing mention between loved ones can start something rolling.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Before you attempt to make anyone happy (including yourself) note that our appetites often have nothing to do with what’s really good for us. Happiness is wanting what you already have.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Trying new things puts you in a fun mood. It doesn’t even matter how well they turn out. All the fun is in the way your senses wake up when you’re doing something for the first time.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’ll get several assists today from those around you, people behind the scenes, even those at a distance or in other realms. It’s like you’re a universal favorite and everyone wants to make things a little easier for you.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Serving tradition will be just as satisfying as breaking it, so no matter which way you go, you can’t go wrong. Why not try to do a little of both? Also the more inclusive you are, the better you’ll feel.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). When you talk to an elder, you’re talking to all the ages that person has been, and you can connect with any of them just by aiming your conversati­on well. The older generation will light the path to treasures of the soul.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Take a deep breath in and know that you don’t have to be anyone other than who you are. You are accepted and loved no matter how hard you do or don’t try. So just relax and enjoy yourself.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). When things are still uncertain, be certain anyway. You’ll be the rock, the idea person who saves the day with a wink and a smile. You’re not doing it to be a hero, it just turns out that way.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).

You’re beyond capable and could conceivabl­y do most, if not all, of today’s work on your own. But why? Sharing the work is even more fun than sharing the play.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).

You’re not about to let formalitie­s get in the way of forming bonds. Fussy extras are only fun if they don’t distract from the main goal, which is to foster a sense of belonging between all who gather with you.


Whatever you do, you aim it to be for the benefit of others. This spirit of kinship serves you well, bringing out your most useful talents. Highlights of the solar return include the confidence of a crew that matters much to you, a rocket-fast journey and a series of trades that gives you a financial win. Libra and Scorpio adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 26, 11, 28 and 30.

SOCIAL GRATITUDE AND MERCURY RETROGRADE: It would seem to be a simple thing to be thankful for what you have, specifical­ly the people in your life. But as soon as giving thanks becomes a public matter, the expectatio­ns and politics of groups come into play and complicati­ons ensue. For starters, leaving anyone out would be a disaster. Checking and double-checking your list becomes a necessity, especially with Mercury retrograde. Furthermor­e, if you thank one person more than the others, people might get jealous. Everyone wants to feel special and know that their contributi­ons matter. But if everyone is special, then no one is. And while it’s not socially graceful to be partial to any particular party, it’s worse to throw up your hands and skip the mentions altogether.

The answer lies in planning and forethough­t. This is why movie directors take longer to put together the credits than they do to direct some of the scenes. This is why top socialites dedicate the better part of their planning to the acknowledg­ments and seating charts. These things matter. But it’s all doable. Realizing that people’s feelings are important and anticipati­ng the need of others to feel acknowledg­ed will be half the battle.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: Scarlett Johansson is gearing up for the next “Avenger’s” movie, where she will again play Natasha Romanoff, aka The Black Widow. Sagittaria­n actors specialize in visiting different eras and worlds in their work -- a profession­al perk that suits their driving need to explore. Johansson also has strong Scorpio influences in her natal chart to turn up the sizzle in any role she takes on.

Write Holiday Mathis at Holidaymat­

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