Regina Leader-Post

VANSTONE A letter to Young Robert

- ROB VANSTONE Robert Vanstone, in spite of his younger self, will one day become the Regina Leader-post’s sports co-ordinator.

Letter to my younger self: Dear Robert, Why did you stop calling yourself Robert, anyway? Early in Grade 8, you managed to get something correct on a test. In the space beside NAME, you wrote “Rob Vanstone.” The “ert” disappeare­d 41 years ago. These past 41 years seem to have disappeare­d even faster. Cherish the time, and the lack of any form of obligation during the summer. Make the most of that time, especially when it is spent with Mom and Dad. Sit down and really talk to them. Ask them about their childhoods. Don’t simply ask them for an increase in allowance or a new football (to replace the new football they bought you a month ago) or some material possession. Learn everything about them because, as endless as time seems to be as a teenager, the years fly by. Really invest in your friendship­s. Don’t try to turn everything into a (failed) comedy act. Enjoy your time with Coz, Tom, Darrell, Wayne, Kevin, Steve, John, Punch, Bart, Melvin, Rich, Brian and all your buddies. Talk to them, too. There really is something more important than the next game of football in the park. Cut your hair. Just because everyone in April Wine has long hair, it is not imperative that you emulate them. Besides, you can’t sing. Or even hum. Or play the piano. Why, oh why, didn’t you learn to play the piano? Your father, Alan Vanstone, is a brilliant jazz pianist. One day, long after his sudden and untimely passing, you will wish that you had taken piano lessons from him. He would have been so proud. But no-o-o-o. One day, you even asked him to stop playing the piano because his at-home solo performanc­e was drowning out The Gong Show. Nobody ever said you would be as smart as your father. Be nicer to your sister — Daddy’s little girl. Dad absolutely beams when he looks at her. Don’t be resentful. He loves you every bit as much. Who else gets a new football every month? Who else has an unlimited reading budget? Apply yourself in school instead of trying to turn everything into a comedy act. (And stop repeating yourself !) Be nicer to your teachers, and pay attention to everything they say — especially the lessons in life. Mr. Mcdougall, Mr. Jakobs, Mrs. Ware, Mr. Hildebrand, Mr. Szabo, Mr. Kenaschuk, Mr. Kroitor and Mrs. Forrieter genuinely care about you as a person. They want the best for you. You are very fortunate. Seize the opportunit­ies that are provided by their wisdom. And stop passing notes in class. No burping, either. One day, you will be absolutely consumed with your dream job. But make sure that you are just as prepared to put in 15-hour days when you are in school. Who knows? You might even get a scholarshi­p. Or a date. Don’t be so timid or idiotic around girls. Eventually, you will discover that some of your closest, most caring friends are, in fact, female. Honest. You might even meet some girls if you do SOMETHING in high school. There are all sorts of clubs and teams and options. So why do you just shuffle home after school and watch television? Sure, there are bullies, but there are far more people who will look out for you. Give them a chance. Give yourself a chance. Don’t just rush home, looking over your shoulder. The idiots are the ones with problems, not you. Once you get home, why do you then sit on the recliner and then expect someone to bring you dinner? Just once, thank Mom and Dad for providing you with a loving home and a warm meal. With that in mind, you might want to wash the dishes at least once or twice a year. Stop taking everything else for granted — like the football excursions with Mom. Did you ever thank her for taking you to five Grey Cups? Did you ever express how lucky you were that you attended Ron Lancaster’s last game? Or Joey Walters’ first game? Or, as painful as it was, the 1976 Grey Cup. You have no comprehens­ion of the extent to which you are spoiled — or was that just your dinner after you ate an entire frozen cheesecake after getting home from school. You didn’t even let it thaw! One day, you will wonder why you have acid reflux. I realize that these words will almost certainly be in vain. You are far too self-centred and socially inhibited to take any of this seriously. You will snap out of it, but why wait until 21? And, take it from your older self, 21 becomes 54 all too quickly — and then it is time to take pills for gout, cholestero­l and, yes, acid reflux. That time has arrived, so I should sign off. Good luck, Robert. From your old friend, Rob.

 ?? BRIAN KENT ?? Ron Lancaster grips the big prize in the Roughrider­s’ locker room after the 1966 Grey Cup victory. Columnist Rob Vanstone realized far too late how lucky he was to have a mom who brought him to Grey Cup games.
BRIAN KENT Ron Lancaster grips the big prize in the Roughrider­s’ locker room after the 1966 Grey Cup victory. Columnist Rob Vanstone realized far too late how lucky he was to have a mom who brought him to Grey Cup games.
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