Regina Leader-Post

Freeland, Lighthizer: A study in contrast

Trump’s trade gripes reveal enmity between Freeland and Lighthizer


He’s a hunting and golfing Republican lawyer with a caustic funny bone that some say verges on the misogynist­ic.

She’s a highly educated ex-journalist whose mother founded a feminist-socialist co-operative and who rides her bicycle to work.

The clash of personalit­ies and world views represente­d by Robert Lighthizer and Chrystia Freeland, the top U.S. and Canadian NAFTA negotiator­s, has been muttered about off the record for months.

But U.S. President Donald Trump seemed to out their reportedly tense relationsh­ip this week, complainin­g in surprising public comments that his administra­tion disliked Canada’s representa­tive in the log-jammed trade talks.

Trump didn’t name Freeland, but evidence of conflict is apparent. The Liberal foreign affairs minister’s criticisms of Trump policies have reportedly angered the president, while Lighthizer is famously prickly and protection­ist.

“We are very unhappy with the negotiatio­ns and the negotiatin­g style of Canada. We don’t like their representa­tive very much,” Trump said during a wide-ranging news conference.

Some analysts believe Canada has made missteps that needlessly antagonize­d the Oval Office’s mercurial occupant and his negotiator­s, others that the tension is a natural byproduct of prolonged trade negotiatio­ns.

Regardless, there appears now to be a “breakdown in trust” at the talks, said Dan Ujczo, a trade lawyer with the firm Dickinsonw­right who is regularly briefed on the process. He points to various factors, including long-simmering tensions between both countries’ profession­al negotiator­s that predate Freeland, and Canada’s challenges of the States at the World Trade Organizati­on.

“We have heard from multiple officials in the U.S. administra­tion that there is a concern ‘Canada has moved the goalposts,’ ” Ujczo said. “On the Canadian side, we are hearing the exact same phrase.”

“Bad feelings and no trust equals no deal,” he added.

Meanwhile, the U.S. and Mexico are widely expected to release the text of their bilateral trade deal Friday, ahead of an Oct. 1 deadline. However, talks could still resume over the next few days with Canada to try to resolve difference­s and bring it into the accord by month’s end, the analyst said.

Word of enmity between Lighthizer, the U.S. Trade Representa­tive, and Freeland first surfaced in the summer, as the U.S. began what turned out to be a five-week run of talks with Mexico that excluded Canada.

One source in contact with both sides’ officials said at the time that Lighthizer did not appreciate Canada’s lobbying of Congress members, what he considered an “end-run” behind his back.

“Lighthizer can’t stand her,” the person said.

The USTR later issued the National Post a statement denying there were ill feelings, stating that Trump’s top trade official considers Freeland a “good friend” who is doing an “amazing job for Canada.”

But they are clearly disparate figures. Lighthizer, 70, from a rustbelt Ohio town, has been a Republican staff member, a Reagan-era trade official and private-practice lawyer. He takes yearly pheasanthu­nting trips, is an avid golfer and has a “wicked” — if sexist — sense of humour, say acquaintan­ces who variously call him “delightful” and “very hard edged.”

Freeland, 50, is the granddaugh­ter of Ukrainian immigrants. Armed with degrees from Harvard and Oxford and speaking multiple languages, she forged a successful, globe-trotting career in journalism.

Her 2012 book Plutocrats documented the growing concentrat­ion of wealth among the super-rich.

As NAFTA talks continued, Freeland has given speeches and media interviews lamenting the Trump administra­tion’s retreat from the postwar global liberal order. She reportedly antagonize­d the White House this month when she took part in a panel discussion, Taking on the Tyrant, that juxtaposed images of Trump with those of dictators like Syria’s Bashar Assad.

“I think that has hurt,” said Gary Hufbauer, a former U.S. trade official and a fellow with Washington’s Peterson Institute of Internatio­nal Economics. “I was surprised that Canada engaged to the extent it did in criticizin­g Trump, because he notices every slight.”

But Hufbauer says Trump’s public put-down of a close ally’s trade negotiator­s was an unpreceden­ted affront, and the presence of tensions was nothing unusual.

“Lighthizer is fighting very hard for his country and for his point of view, and Freeland is fighting hard for her country and point of view,” echoed Eric Miller, a Washington­based trade consultant. “That necessaril­y means they will clash.”

David Macnaughto­n, Canada’s ambassador to the U.S., acknowledg­ed this week that the NAFTA talks have at times been “quite intense and tense” lately.

“But I wouldn’t overemphas­ize personal difference­s,” he told an event Wednesday at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs. “Bob Lighthizer is a real pro … I get along with him well personally, and whenever we have a real difficult moment, I try to change the conversati­on to golf.”

Jerry Dias, president of the Unifor union and in close contact with Canada’s NAFTA negotiator­s, likened the talks to labour haggling and said personal clashes are inevitable. “The fact that (Trump) is frustrated over the fact we are bargaining hard gives me immense pride,” he said.

 ?? MANDEL NGAN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and U.S. Trade Representa­tive Robert Lighthizer have reportedly had a tense relationsh­ip. The top NAFTA negotiator­s have been trying to hammer out a trade deal that will include Canada in the accord the U.S. struck with Mexico.
MANDEL NGAN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and U.S. Trade Representa­tive Robert Lighthizer have reportedly had a tense relationsh­ip. The top NAFTA negotiator­s have been trying to hammer out a trade deal that will include Canada in the accord the U.S. struck with Mexico.

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