Regina Leader-Post

Blood donations at critically low level


Almost five years ago, Carrie Derin got in an accident that almost killed her, but thanks to the generosity of blood donors, she survived to tell her story — a story that shows just how important donating blood is.

In recognitio­n of National Blood Donor Week and World Blood Donor Day, Derin shared her story Wednesday at the Canadian Blood Services Regina branch. With blood supply levels critically low, Derin urged people to get out and donate.

“If it wouldn’t have been for those units available in rural Saskatchew­an and blood donors like we have today, I don’t know if I would be here, or not in the same capacity,” she said.

Derin and her family were riding ATVs in Moose Mountain National Park in the summer of 2012 when they spotted a beaver dam. Derin turned her head to get a better look, not noticing a poplar tree that had fallen on the road ahead. She drove straight into it, and it struck through the front of the ATV, through her and into the back of her seat. With no cellphone service, her husband left the kids with her to go for help.

Derin was eventually airlifted out of the park by a STARS air ambulance, stopping in Arcola for a blood transfusio­n on the way to Regina. If not for that transfusio­n, she said it’s likely she wouldn’t have survived.

Derin finished her story by thanking the people who were at the clinic giving blood on Wednesday. She said you never know when you’re the one who’s going to need it to save your life.

“We definitely appreciate life more and kind of live for today, because you never know when things can happen.”

Derin was lucky, but Katherine Wasylynka, the Canadian Blood Services territory manager for southern Saskatchew­an, said there is a critical need for donors.

“We normally have about 20,000 to 25,000 units in stock and we’re sitting at about twelve (thousand) right now, so we need to increase those to ensure that patient care isn’t compromise­d,” said Wasylynka.

CBS has put out a call for all Canadians to donate blood. While there tends to be a bit of a decline in donations during the summer, the current situation goes beyond that. More than half of Canadians are eligible to donate blood, but only four per cent do, she said. CBS needs 50,000 donations across Canada by the end of the month to keep up with hospital needs.

Wasylynka said the whole process, including screening and the actual donation, only takes about an hour. You can either make an appointmen­t or just walk in. She encourages people who make appointmen­ts to keep them, and then continue on to become regular blood donors.

“So if you’ve ever thought about it, it’s not that bad; come on in, it’s a little pinch, we’d love to have you come in,” said Wasylynka.

To book an appointmen­t or find a donor clinic visit

 ?? TROY FLEECE ?? Carrie Derin, who credits a blood donation for saving her life after a 2012 accident, says you never know when you’ll be the one who needs a transfusio­n in an emergency. With blood supplies at a critically low level across the country, Canadian Blood...
TROY FLEECE Carrie Derin, who credits a blood donation for saving her life after a 2012 accident, says you never know when you’ll be the one who needs a transfusio­n in an emergency. With blood supplies at a critically low level across the country, Canadian Blood...

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