Regina Leader-Post

Gunman dead after attacking GOP baseball team

Attack appears to be politicall­y motivated


WASHINGTON • A gunman who had spewed rage upon President Donald Trump and his party opened fire on a group of U.S. lawmakers Wednesday, causing a range of injuries in what appeared to be a politicall­y motivated shooting.

A senior Republican lawmaker was in critical condition. Steve Scalise is the third-ranking House Republican and the hospital treating him tweeted that his status was more precarious than described earlier by colleagues: "(Representa­tive) Scalise was critically injured and remains in critical condition.”

The scene of terror unfolded on a suburban baseball field.

Standing along the thirdbase line, shooter James Hodgkinson sprayed gunfire at a group of congressio­nal Republican­s who were practising for their annual baseball game against Democrats.

The mayhem ended with five injured and one dead: the shooter. A more severe bloodbath was averted because Capitol Hill police were there to return gunfire, holding back the assailant, according to one politician there.

“Our lives were saved by the Capitol Hill police. Had they not been there it would’ve been a massacre,” Sen. Rand Paul told Fox News of the scene he witnessed.

“You are completely helpless. Having no self-defence and no way to get to somebody. The field was basically a killing field if you were to run out there while the shooter was still shooting.”

Scalise fell to the ground near second base and crawled toward the outfield in search of safety. The others injured were police and congressio­nal staff. Colleagues tended to Scalise, who was shot in the hip and left a trail of blood as he dragged himself into the outfield.

The 66-year-old shooter left a string of angry messages on his Facebook page.

The Illinois man called the president a mean, disgusting man who should go to prison for treason. He compared Trump to Hitler. He also said top Republican Paul Ryan should go to prison for cutting health services. He derided the mainstream media as agents of big money and heaped scorn upon Hillary Clinton.

Republican Representa­tive Jeff Duncan of South Carolina told reporters he informed Alexandria police about an encounter he had in the parking lot with a man he believed to be the suspected shooter just before the shooting began. Duncan said the man asked him whether the team was made up of Republican­s or Democrats.

Hodgkinson was a volunteer for Bernie Sanders in last year’s election.

“I am sickened by this despicable act,” Sanders told the Senate after learning of the gunman’s role in his campaign. “And let me be as clear as I can be: violence of any kind is unacceptab­le in our society. And I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms ... Real change can only come about through non-violent action and anything else runs counter to our most deeply held American values.”

Wednesday’s chaos drew about 100 police officers from different department­s within minutes, according to witnesses, and helicopter­s swooped in to airlift the injured from the baseball field in suburban Alexandria, Va., outside Washington.

The gunman’s death was announced by Trump. The president delivered a call for unity in a politicall­y polarized country: “We may have our difference­s, but we do well, in times like these, to remember that everyone who serves in our nation’s capital is here because, above all, they love our country ... Everyone on that field is a public servant.”

Congressma­n Mo Brooks said he was on deck, preparing to bat when the shooting started. He saw a rifle near third base. Then he saw Scalise bleeding, crawling into the outfield.

 ??  ?? James T. Hodgkinson
James T. Hodgkinson

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