Regina Leader-Post

Home Lottery winner takes in view from his new $1.4M house


Derrick Fink was driving to work Thursday night when he was bombarded with congratula­tory texts and emails, but the reason for the congratula­tions was a mystery to him.

“I thought I was either getting married or having a baby or something. I wasn’t really sure what I did right or wrong, but somebody finally told me what the texts were for and I still didn’t believe it,” Fink said with a laugh.

The mystery was solved about 10 minutes later when he got a call from the Hospitals of Regina Foundation to congratula­te him on winning the $1.4-million grand prize show home and $30,000 cash.

Fink lives on a farm close to Vibank and is unsure what he will do with his prize.

“I don’t really make a good town kid, so I don’t know, but I’m definitely going to probably stay (in the new house) for a little while, while maybe I build a new house out at the farm ... or maybe I’ll fall in love with it and stay. Who knows?” said Fink.

Fink buys a home lottery ticket every year.

“I kind of think I do well enough to give back on some level ... this is local and at least I know where the money is going, and hey, you get a chance to get something back too so it’s pretty cool,” Fink said.

Fink had to go back to work Friday afternoon after he was presented the keys but planned to crack a celebrator­y beer on the deck before he left.

Also going home happy Friday were the winners of the 50-50 Add-On. Darcy Jenkins, his fiancee, Shannon Kriska, and their daughter, Erica, are $385,915 richer after getting the life-changing call Thursday.

“You never really hear of anyone winning that you know, and all of a sudden, ‘Wow.’ Blows you away,” said Jenkins.

Kriska added, “It’s pretty (life) changing for sure. It’s going to help out quite a bit.”

Aside from paying off a lot of debt and starting a college fund for their daughter, the young family will get to celebrate being mortgage free thanks to the big win.

“It’s pretty exciting,” Kriska said.

This is local and at least I know where the money is going, and hey, you get a chance to get something back too.

 ?? JENNIFER ACKERMAN ?? “I kind of think I do well enough to give back on some level,” says Derrick Fink, winner of the Hospitals of Regina Foundation’s Home Lottery $1.4-million grand prize showhome and $30,000 cash.
JENNIFER ACKERMAN “I kind of think I do well enough to give back on some level,” says Derrick Fink, winner of the Hospitals of Regina Foundation’s Home Lottery $1.4-million grand prize showhome and $30,000 cash.

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