Penticton Herald

WE scandal creating smell in the capital


Dear Editor:

Now we have the WE scandal, with ex-Finance Minister Bill Morneau and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau both up to their knees in pig manure. Neither one will come out of this mess smelling like roses.

The whole mess is still in secret and the whole truth does not seem to have been revealed.

Who all was involved and who received funds?

When times get too hot in parliament, Trudeau and Morneau do not want to attend — one does not show up and the other runs away. This must tell the public something is wrong. Trudeau is on his third serious mistake. He did not learn from the first two mistakes. Then, the two of them leave a woman to attempt to clean up the mess — Chrystia Freeland to the rescue.

She will have to mop up the mess and air out the stink so Trudeau can return to the house much later, hoping that Canadians have forgotten or forgiven his mistakes and will allow him to continue to operate with such disregard for Canadian taxpayers.

Trudeau is even proroguing parliament to give it a chance to air out before he faces the house again.

Why would someone of Morneau’s wealth go to Parliament and get messed up with the likes of Trudeau and thus have his reputation smeared in the pig manure?

How will Canadians really learn about charities such as WE and who audits them to keep them on the straight and narrow?

Each time a charity exists, taxes are deferred, thus Ottawa has to tax other Canadians to make up the non-payment of taxes by charities. Churches are included in this too.

Do Canadians sleep better knowing these charities are tax exempt and making favours with politician­s? Not all charities are in the same pig sty as WE. In the meantime, the pig manure runs through the streets of Ottawa. I feel sorry for Freeland having to clean it up.

Jorgen Hansen, Kelowna

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