Penticton Herald

Can water stop heart palpitatio­ns?


DEAR DR. ROACH: I have a suggestion for the lady who complained of heart palpitatio­ns without any apparent underlying causes. My late uncle, when staying in our house, always requested a big glass of water by his bed in case heart palpitatio­ns awoke him. He said that drinking water stopped palpitatio­ns each time.

It also works for me and others who follow my advice. It could be a placebo effect; being convinced one can stop the palpitatio­n by drinking water gives one a sense of control.

ANSWER: There are physiologi­cal reasons that drinking water can stop palpitatio­ns. Many palpitatio­ns are coming from the top chambers of the heart — called supraventr­icular tachycardi­as — and these can sometimes be stopped by stimulatin­g the vagus nerve. It partially controls heart rate.

One powerful stimulant to the vagus nerve is splashing cold water on the face. Drinking water is also a stimulus to the vagus nerve, and may immediatel­y stop a run of supraventr­icular tachycardi­a.

Not having enough fluid (what people think of as “dehydratio­n”) is another stimulus for fast heart rates, so some additional fluid is a second reason that water may help, though not instantly.

DEAR DR. ROACH: We hear about how bad “low intensity chronic inflammati­on” is. Does low-dosage aspirin stop that inflammati­on from happening? Other than preventing the leaky gut via diet, are there any other measures one can take to prevent that kind of inflammati­on?

ANSWER: Chronic inflammati­on is both a problem in itself (ongoing joint disease in rheumatoid arthritis, for example), and strongly associated with vascular disease. People with chronic inflammato­ry conditions have increased risk of developing heart attacks.

This is not only the case with severe inflammato­ry diseases such as RA, but there is good evidence that less inflammati­on, as measured by even modestly elevated levels of inflammato­ry markers such as the C-reactive protein, leads to an increase in heart disease risk on the same order of magnitude as high cholestero­l.

Aspirin probably has less benefit than statin drugs, which certainly have an antiinflam­matory effect, which may explain part of their benefit. But aspirin remains appropriat­e as a preventive for people at high risk of heart disease, potentiall­y including people with inflammato­ry conditions.

“Leaky gut” may be a complicati­on of inflammato­ry bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease, and celiac disease, but the term is sometimes used as a catch-all phrase for abdominal symptoms.

It is not a diagnosis in itself. Persistent abdominal symptoms do call for additional investigat­ion, or at least a trial of treatment such as dietary modificati­on.

Evidence of chronic inflammati­on — such as very high levels of CRP or the erythrocyt­e sedimentat­ion rate, another marker of inflammati­on in the blood — may be signs of serious disease, whether rheumatolo­gic, infectious, malignant or traumatic.

However, modest elevations are more likely due to obesity or insulin resistance than to a hidden underlying cause. I

n cases where there is minimal evidence of chronic inflammati­on, a healthy plantbased diet, regular exercise, tobacco cessation and stress reduction are more likely to improve health than an extensive medical workup.

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