Penticton Herald

Iranians trample on U.S. flag to mark 1979 revolution


TEHRAN, Iran — Iranians on Friday marked the anniversar­y of the country’s 1979 Islamic Revolution with nationwide celebratio­ns and mass rallies that saw people step on large U.S. flags laid out on the streets while President Hassan Rouhani called the new American administra­tion “a problem.”

The anniversar­y came against the backdrop of remarks by U.S. President Donald Trump, who has already engaged in a war of words with Iran’s leadership and put Tehran “on notice” over its recent ballistic missile test.

At the Tehran rallies, demonstrat­ors chanted traditiona­l slogans against the United States and Israel. Later, hundreds of thousands marched toward the city’s central Azadi Square, where Rouhani addressed the crowds, telling them Iran will strongly answer any threat from its enemies.

“All of them should know that they must talk to the Iranian nation with respect and dignity,” Rouhani declared. “Our nation will strongly answer to any threat. (Iranians) will resist before enemies until the end.”

Rouhani called Iran the home of “lions” but said the country does not seek hostility. “We are not after tensions in the region and the world. We are united in the face of bullying and any threat.”

Many of the marchers carried the Iranian flag, others had banners and posters with revolution­ary slogans. Printed U.S. flags and pictures of current and former U.S. presidents lay scattered on the streets — so they could be trampled by the marchers.

Iran and the U.S. have not had diplomatic relations since 1979, when Iranian students stormed the American Embassy and took 52 Americans hostage for 444 days.

Some of the posters distribute­d in English on Friday read: “Thanks to American people for supporting Muslims.”

Khamenei said on Tuesday that the “newcomer” Trump has shown the “real face” of the United States. He spoke after Trump tweeted — following a ballistic missile test by Iran — that Iranians were “playing with fire,” saying they “don’t appreciate how ‘kind’ President (Barack) Obama was to them. Not me!”

Rouhani told reporters prior to addressing the crowds that Iranians will make the U.S. regret using threatenin­g language, according to the semi-official ISNA news agency.

“Anyone who speaks the language of threat to this nation, the Iranian nation will make him regret” it, he said, without elaboratin­g.

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