Our Canada

Stay Safe: Covid-19

Providing a touch of spring in the depths of winter

- By Deb Sandau, Red Deer, Alta.

With the uncertain times we find ourselves in with the COVID-19 virus, we were checking in with our neighbours to see if they were okay and needed anything. One jokingly asked if we could shovel the snow o his lawn and give him some early spring. It sparked an idea in me and I went o on a search downstairs. I have gotten into the habit of putting out some silk flowers in early spring as I wait for my real ones to bloom. I love the pop of colour and it always makes me smile. I found my stash and took the bundle upstairs and started to trim them.

With my dog Brynn on leash, I walked up my street, leaving a flower at the end of my neighbours’ walkways. The snow is still deep so the splash of color against the bright white stood out in all its glory. I came home,

feeling happy, a tad corny but hopeful that this would let everyone know that there is hope. Spring will come, flowers will bloom and we will all get through this together.

My biggest reward came later as a little boy walking with his mom ran up to one of the flowers and gleefully shouted “Flowers Mommy! Look at the flowers!” He giggled and dashed to each one, leaning over to sni them. Frowning when they had no scent but still hoping the next one would, then the next. Seeing the innocent joy, the happiness it brought to him and the smile on his mom’s face, removed all my doubts. Mission accomplish­ed. As more kids walked past, they all commented on them. Picking out which one they liked best and wondering how they came to be.

Small things do make a dierence. Especially when we are all feeling vulnerable and unsure. My wish is that we can all stay healthy and work together in such a scary time. Holding on to some joy and happiness, and coming together as families and communitie­s, we will rise out of this stronger, as individual­s and as a country.

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