Ottawa Citizen

McLachlin renews role on Hong Kong court

A second term despite Beijing's tightening grip


After her first stint as a foreign judge on Hong Kong's highest court, Beverley McLachlin was adamant the city's judiciary remained independen­t, despite mounting pressure from Beijing.

That was late 2019. A lot has happened in the enclave since the former Supreme Court of Canada chief justice finished her first assignment there.

China imposed a draconian new national security law, ushering in a more repressive era that has seen authoritie­s effectivel­y shut down a pro-democracy newspaper, arrest opposition politician­s and even seize children's books they considered seditious.

Two other foreign judges have quit the court, one citing the potential negative impact of the security law.

Despite Beijing's tightening grip on the city, however, McLachlin has just agreed to serve another three-year term on the Court of Final Appeal, triggering heated controvers­y in a legal community where she's otherwise revered.

Some critics say McLachlin is helping prop up a system used to erase basic freedoms, while others argue that overseas judges are key to maintainin­g the independen­ce of Hong Kong's courts.

Even before she was reappointe­d to the court, the directors of the Law Society of Ontario — the province's legal regulator — debated a motion calling on her to quit.

The resolution in February was defeated 28-17. But Ryan Alford, a law professor at Thunder Bay, Ont.'s Lakehead University, voted in favour and says he can't see why McLachlin still sits on the court.

“It's lending prestige to an institutio­n that is not deserving of prestige,” Alford said in an interview. “It's now conducting political prosecutio­ns under essentiall­y a state-trial process. For someone as esteemed as the former chief justice of Canada to be a member of that court ... is actively supporting Beijing's goals in Hong Kong, which are to crush the democracy movement.”

But Jonathan Rosenthal, a respected criminal lawyer and another governing “bencher” of the law society, said he has no doubt that McLachlin, with her “incredible legacy” on the bench, will do the right thing.

“We have to recognize who Beverley McLachlin is, the important role she played as a jurist in Canada,” said Rosenthal. “If she came to the conclusion that she couldn't make independen­t and correct decisions, I'm very confident ... she would take the appropriat­e step and resign.”

McLachlin is one of 14 judges from common-law jurisdicti­ons like the U.K. and Australia to sit as “non-permanent” members of the final appeal court. The arrangemen­t was set out in the Basic Law, the Hong Kong constituti­on agreed to by China and Britain when the city was handed over to Beijing in 1997. It was meant to replace the process under British rule that allowed rulings to be appealed to a higher court in London.

Democracy activists were already concerned about Beijing's encroachme­nt on judicial independen­ce when McLachlin was first appointed. But after hearing three, non-political cases in late 2019, she told the National Post the courts were still “very independen­t.”

“The presence of judges from England, Australia or Canada on the court, signing on to the decisions, enhances public confidence in their justice system and in those decisions,” McLachlin said.

Since then, in the wake of massive pro-democracy protests, China imposed the national security law, arguing it was needed to restore stability to Hong Kong.

The statute punishes by up to life in prison such offences as underminin­g the state's authority, colluding with foreign countries or “external elements” and pushing for independen­ce. More than 100 people have been charged since it became law in June 2020, many of them protest organizers or pro-democracy politician­s. The first of those accused was sentenced last Thursday to nine years in prison for inciting secession and terrorism. The man had waved a flag saying “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time” and collided with police on his motorcycle as they tried to stop him.

Jimmy Lai, owner of the fiercely independen­t Apple Daily newspaper, and many of his senior editors were arrested, prompting the popular news outlet to shut its doors permanentl­y.

Baroness Brenda Hale, the British judge appointed alongside McLachlin in 2018, announced recently she will not be returning for a second term.

Hale publicly cited personal reasons — she didn't relish flying to Hong Kong any more — while acknowledg­ing “the jury is still out” on how the court will function under the security law.

Another foreign judge on the court, Australian James Spigelman resigned last September, actually citing concerns about the law.

In fact, the legislatio­n directly impacts the courts, allowing trials on serious criminal charges to be held in camera, and giving Hong Kong's Beijing-appointed chief executive the right to choose which judges sit on national security cases.

The legislatio­n has also become part of the city's constituti­on, overriding in parts the Basic Law and the rights it guaranteed — rather than being subject to it, said Alford. He pointed to Lai's case, where the publisher had to prove that he would not threaten national security to be granted bail, reversing the usual common-law onus on prosecutor­s to show why a defendant should be denied bail. The Court of Final Appeal upheld the lower court's ruling, effectivel­y saying its hands were tied by the new security law.

The court has “become nothing more than an instrument of oppression” and it's disappoint­ing that McLachlin would renew her support for it, said Toronto lawyer Chi-Kun Shi, who introduced the Law Society motion calling on McLachlin to resign.

But others believe the foreign judges are still necessary as a protective bulwark at a troubling time.

Philip Dykes, head of the Hong Kong bar associatio­n, urged the overseas jurists last year to stay put, telling the Financial Times their high calibre makes them an “ornament” of the system and that a mass departure would tell the world something was “seriously amiss” in Hong Kong.

Simon Young, a University of Hong Kong law professor, echoed his concerns.

“Losing our foreign judges on the (Court of Final Appeal) in this way,” he told the South China Morning Post, “would lead to a crisis of confidence in our judicial system.”


 ?? JUSTIN TANG / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES ?? Former Supreme Court of Canada chief justice Beverley McLachlin has agreed
to serve another three-year term on Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal.
JUSTIN TANG / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES Former Supreme Court of Canada chief justice Beverley McLachlin has agreed to serve another three-year term on Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal.

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